Rich, I may or may not have linked you to this before, but there is a very high possibility you can run the latest Quadra on your 98SE just fine just as long as you install some hotfixes, unofficial patches and feature packs. Windows 9x Member Projects Your best bet to getting Quadra working is to install the Unicows compatibility layer, which is included with the 98SE Auto-Patcher. Another essential upgrade is KernelEx, which augments the 9x kernel with features/functions otherwise only present in NT/2000/XP/Vista kernels. Some of these folks have gotten games like Need for Speed Carbon and Doom 3 working on 98SE systems! Crazy I tell you! Anyhow, none of these patches impair your performance if you're running ancient hardware, I've successfully installed them all on an old laptop that I used to chat and browse from, which has since had a hardware failure from old age .
what's that, your laptop reached old age? well maybe i should've shied away from the limited edition Buddy Holly HP notebook and the Jimi Hendrix model Sony Vaio. a common issue (among the unique issues) i had between the two was DVD drive failure, probably because all the crap used to read the disc was attached to the tray and was free to leave the protective shell of the laptop and move around unnecessarily. how long would your stomach last if it was ejected out of your body along with your tongue? really dumb i say. anyway i'm running Windows 2k on my pc now, and a couple times i've had to use modified drivers to get an "incompatible" piece of hardware to work. i guess that's a little different, but the point is no matter what your problem is you can be sure somebody out there is working on a fix.
Well, more like the harddrive did. I could replace it but I haven't found a suitably priced (read: free) laptop harddrive since it died.
Folks, many thanks of all of the suggestions Although, it appears that the developers will likely be releasing a W98 compatable executable as well... see the afore-linked message thread in my previous post @mufunyo, thanks for that link. Hehe, I had previously discovered that site a while back, and using a W98 universal USB driver that someone there developed is how I got my Sansa M230 MP3 player operating with my W98 PCs
Looks like they're one step closer... Stephane compiled a version of the "Wadder" utility that works fine under W98SE (see message thread over in the Quadra Developers forums)