
Thread in 'Discussion' started by Kitaru, 16 Apr 2010.

  1. mat


    i did two of those thingies, one went through immediately, and the other stayed in the "offer viewed" status, so i waited a day, then went through their contact form, waited a day, and they verified it and gave me the rubies--and now i have the tuning stuff and have not spent money, so that's cool by me.
  2. Yes, I got some rubies (45) eventually, a few days after contacting them. I did more offers (six total, and all got stuck on viewed) and did not receive anything from the other ones, appears as if I have to contact them for every offer. Which I won't do because 45 is enough.

    Not sure why none of the offers went through OK, but at least I got 45 of them for free and unlocked DAS, ARR and IRS without paying anything. :)

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