Nothing.. Just to recover one time the oldest topic of this forum.. Maybe nobody told you : Nice job caffeine !
Unless we want to split it into tetromino stacking, other video games, and OT (Other Topics). But I think caffeine has vetoed that a few times.
happy birthday tetrisconcept. sort of. congrats to caffeine. where did the idea of making tc came from ? was it because the official tetris DS forums were so dumb (never was there, but i remember reading it here) ?
I started this site in May 2005. The forum in it's present form began in November. Hmm, let me think, why did I start TC again? Before TC, I had made two or three other Tetris sites on free servers just as a hobby. On them I described basic strategy and twists, etc. Then one day I was searching around the net, and as usual there was like zero good content out there, so I thought: a good, fresh Tetris website is needed. It would thrive simply because it doesn't exist yet. So I signed up with (freaking awesome web server, use them), and I started adding content in a blog fashion. I also had a page for a couple of Tetris articles I wrote, as well as some links and videos I made. I had thought about making a wiki, but I didn't think there was enough people (especially since the forum wasn't that big a hit back then). One day colour_thief was like, make a wiki! So I did, and we stayed up all night listing Tetris games and finding their date of publication. I'm kind of surprised the wiki worked out as well as it did. I think wikiTC was a little before its time. Not until this past year or so did people start making wiki's just for a single game in this amount of depth. Eventually I thought to myself that if this website was going to last, I had to de-personalize it and make it self-thriving without me needing to be the major contributor (although I'll always contribute). So I did away with the blog (partly cause some people I know figured out I had a website, and I didn't want them reading my nerdy Tetris stuff), and now it is how it is today.
I quite liked the blog. I also remember ice-cream being offered in return for finding out certain dates for the releases of Tetris games.