Hello guys, It appears that finally the meeting will likely not take place to mfm005's house (Mostly due to family pressure). It still may be ok, but we can't afford a bad situation on D-Day. This is why we decided to move the meeting to Strasbourg, to my place. We know that this change may be a problem for people so please consider it again. Final attendies list (invitations are closes now) me: All the period. Taratang : 27 to 30 July (train arriving 19h42) mfm005 : 27 July to 5 August !!! ARRIVED !!! colour_thief : 28 July to 11 August (train arriving at 13H42) PetitPrince : 27 July to 5 August (train arriving 18h33) Amnesia : 27 to 31 July (train arriving 18h45) Sy: Will finally come. Awaiting arrival time confirmation. About the place Let's be clear, my flat is small, maybe about 25 m, sixth floor (no lift), but we'll not meet to talk about Art Deco. Depending of attendies count we could move without any problem to a very good friend's larger appartment (already discussed and granted). Anyway sleeping place is not a problem but be aware that some will certainly use sleeping bag ! (as any geek meeting) I'm located on the center of the city with every convenient store around. Very good view on the cathedral witch is about 200 meters from my place. Food is up to attendies of course, but we have a very cheap supermarket very close (LIDL). - bought a climatiser - Map from the train station to my flat (15 min by feet). About the Period from 27 July Evening to 12 august Evening, everybody is welcome to stay as he want during this period. About the way to come -From England, the best way is Ryanair. stansted>Karlsruhe-baden = 50 (return ticket), karlsruhe is about 50 km from strasbourg but i can manage to grab you by car. - Inside France, if you have to take the train, you must use voyages-sncf. but more you book early your ticket, more it is REALLY cheaper !! (single to double price). example if you came from Paris, return ticket (aller-retour) will cost you 80 (if you book now) instead of 150 euro at the very last moment. - Paris have 4 train stations, if you want to go to Strasbourg you must use the "Gare de l'Est". - The Strasbourg train station is about 15 min by walk from my place, i will come and grab you. - if your flight land to Frankfurt ariport (may be cheaper than taking the TGV) there is a special luftansa bus to ply between airport and Strasbourg (Hilton Hotel). I don't know exaclty about the price but if i remember well it is around 20 Euro, travel is ~2h15. Departure from Frankfurt : 8h30, 11h, 13h30, 17h30, 21h, 22h15 Departure from strasbourg : 5h, 6h45, 9h, 12h30, 14h45, 17h30 how to come from Roissy charle de gaulle airport to Gare de l'Est train station : 1) Take the train RER line B and stop at Station Gare du Nord (and not gare de lyon) (~27 min). 2) Take the metro line 4, direction "Porte d'orlans", or line 5 direction "Place d'Italie", and stop at the Gare de l'Est. Only 1 station, less than 5 min. 3) Wait for the fucking TGV that will probably be in late (as usual). optional : if you want to save the metro ticket and feel enough confident to not lost yourself in Paris, than you do point 2 by walk. RER map : http://www.ratp.info/orienter/cv/carterer.php Metro map : http://www.ratp.info/orienter/cv/carteparis.php About the entertainment Since i don't have to move the shit here is what is available : - TGM1 & TAP arcade game with 2 arcade stick support and DVD recorder. - Xbox 360 +DOA arcade stick + Xbox Live (TGM-ACE, Ridge race 6, Lost-Planet) - a modded PS2 (so don't hesitate to bring some games) - a N64 with TEtrisphere, The New tetris and some other games. - 1 DS with Tetris DS (if i can find it again) - Piotr (Sy) will bring 1 DS - PetitPrince will bring 1 DS (maybe 2) - Taratang will bring a DS + PSP - a Laptop with a arcade stick (Heboris or whatever run on PC) - A monster nuclear converter 220>110 volts with 6 plugs (25Kg) - TGM3 strong possibility from colour_thief - large whiteboard (eg tournament, score...) - a video projector !! there is no way this new meeting setting change unless someone wrote my name on a Death note...
sounds interesting. not too far away from bielefeld. i might come ... but i need more to think about it.
I might be a couple of days here as I'm going to stuttgart for a street fighter tournament on the 2-5 august
I don't know how we'll manage the shit. We may use individual/shared system for everybody, but i would say 8 euro a day by person should be enough if we plan to only use supermarket. Of course there will likely be extra for those who want (bar, fast-food, restaurant, visit etc). I understand that budget might be tight for some, but i don't want tension about trivia. Btw, if you have sleeping bag, please let me know about it and bring them !
Is there anybody interested by the possibility I bring a SNES with TETRIS ATTACK?? (with 1 very good pad and 1 ~medium pad) I profite to update a few the 3 ranking lists to show the people who will be at the meeting (marked with a red cross) Ca va etr bourrain jago c'est moi qui tle dit..
Can TVs sold in Germany take a North American signal (different color encoding, different color subcarrier, different vertical scan rate)?
Depends on the TV really, if it's an older model it might not work.. but any newer TV should be able to support NTSC.