Meeting in Paris *canceled*

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by mfm005, 7 May 2007.

  1. mfm005

    mfm005 Unregistered

  2. Tarto

    Tarto Unregistered

    Sure I know Bougival!

    My visa expires at the end of september and my flight back to France is already booked so yeah, I'd be glad to meet another Tetris addict [​IMG] Keep in touch about that. By the way, if everything goes well, I'll only be in France for a couple weeks, just enough to take some holidays and, most important, get my new visa for Japan !...
  3. I can't stay the whole week but I will be booking my flights for 27-30 July later tonight. If I could stay 3 nights with you, mfm, Friday-Sunday, that would be great. [​IMG]

    edit: booked!

    Flight reservations:
    Flight: AF5135 
    From: BHX, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM - TERMINAL T2 
    Departing: 27 July 2007 12:20 
     To: Charles de Gaulle, Paris, FRANCE - TERMINAL 2F 
    Arriving: 27 July 2007 15:00 
    Status: Confirmed
    Flight: AF5140 
    From: Charles de Gaulle, Paris, FRANCE - TERMINAL 2F 
    Departing: 30 July 2007 21:10 
     To: BHX, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM - TERMINAL T2 
    Arriving: 30 July 2007 21:35 
    Status: Confirmed
  4. che_lives

    che_lives Unregistered

  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Don't worry che_lives, my first projects when I will be diplomated, it's find a good accomodation in USA, import TGM2 and TGM3, then I will organize a second meeting in USA.. [​IMG]

    For 2009.. [​IMG]
  6. mfm005

    mfm005 Unregistered

  7. Toujours intress, j'ai juste pas le temps cette semaine de faire quoique ce soit. Je vais srement booker les billets de train ce week-end ou aprs. Il faudrait aussi que je voie l'argent pour la bouffe et pour le reste (a fait longtemps que je n'ai pas visit Paris) - on va pas faire *que* du Tetris, si ? ^^.

    Ah, j'amnerai srement mon VSHG, une ou deux DS (que je voie si mon frre accepte de se sparer du sien pendant une semaine =) ), de la bonne humeur et un APN pour immortaliser l'vnement [​IMG] .

    Il me faudrait tes coordonnes (par PM ?) histoire de rassurer mes parents (mre poule, tout a)
  8. Merci [​IMG]

    Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be a fun weekend [​IMG]
  9. I'm still waiting for my passport before I get my tickets. But jago has informed me that my attendence is "not optional" so I definitely will be there. [​IMG] I'll likely be in France 1-2 weeks, and specifically I will be at your place approximately matching jago's plans.

    Also I am currently investigating the feasibility of bringing Ti with me. [​IMG]
  10. K


    "not optional" too [​IMG]
  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Heuu...J'avoue, ca m'est juste pass par la tete un tout petit peu... [​IMG]
  12. mfm005

    mfm005 Unregistered

  13. I might come (won't be sure until mid-july).

    However, if I do, don't bother about me for sleeping or what else, got what it needs to sleep in paris ^^
  14. Small update: My passport application is being processed and I should receive my passport within 2 weeks.
  15. K


    Yaaaaaaahhhhoooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!

    training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training training
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I think I will have only one week for training between the 21 and 27 but that will be enough..

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Hoping to show everyone a GM run at the meeting? [​IMG]
  18. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Do you speak about the Gm or the...GM.... [​IMG]

    If only we could see a M rank in live by Jago or c_t, that would be already fantastic.. [​IMG]
  19. K


    in what Death mode* ? [​IMG]

    *on demand... [​IMG]
  20. If someone else can provide a PS2 capable of playing imports, and a Dreamcast capable of playing imports, I can bring the Sega Ages Tetris Collection (PS2) and Sega Tetris (DC). Then we would have the entire Sega rules lineage of games to play (assuming jago somehow manages to bring ACE).

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