That's pretty much the exact dates I'm on holiday in Tuscany, Italy. I can't work out whether that's closer or not to Paris than where I usually live, but it's more awkward. Then again, Paris is a fair journey, so I probably wouldn't be able to go anyway.
I'm interested, I'll look into flights from England once you've confirmed dates. How far are you from CDG airport?
Si j'tais pas au Japon, je serais volontiers venu, d'autant plus qu'en France j'habitais vraiment tout prs (Le pecq !)...Je repasse en France fin septembre-dbut octobre, donc si y'a une autre opportunit ce moment-l je suis clairement intress ! A+
That's right, I'll probably be there! For now, I'm working on getting a passport... I'll let you know as soon as I have my plane ticket. I hope to see lots of people. cyberguile? bou? sh8??
A peine 5 post est t'es dja dsir:lol: Essaye de venir! On va prendre des grosses branls par c_t et Jago! Ca va etre marrant.. Ma manette a encore lach, meme problme que toi: J'ai la direction gauche qui marche qu' 95%.. Plus possible de jouer..C'est mort pour le DOUBLE en 4min50..
En fait, financirement, a devrait plutt aller (en s'y prenant assez tt, les billets de TGV ne sont pas si cher que a, finalement, merci de l'astuce jago). Et puis je n'ai aucune raison de ne pas y aller, en fait. J'vous tiens au courant.
Just a little recap : For sure : -mfm (ofcourse..) -Jago -c_t -me Not sure : -Taratang -Bou -Petit Prince -cyberguile You had said 7-8 people max mfm? I don't know what kind of house you have, but keep an eye on the list if you don't want to see 15 peoples who come.. Maybe if there is too people, I could find another house to sleep in Paris.. I prefer let the place to people who come from far like c_t and taratang..
et oui vinc' ! trs peu prsent sur le forum mais dj beaucoup demand. je suis libre fin juillet donc peut tre que je viendrai je ne sais pas encore, c'est le problme de budget plutot...
I will definately be there, I just need to know the exact dates so I can book my flights. If I could stay at somone's place that would be great, but I don't mind booking a hotel if necessary.
If I can be here, sleeping won't be a problem. Got a lot of friends in paris. And if they are all away (like it occured once), I can sleep in the sub, no probs !
Hello, i confirm my holiday date from July 28 to august 12. about resting place, i also have family on paris. I can manage 1 or 2 persons, but definitively not for playing session