I have finished compiling all the Tetris scores from all my Nintendo Power issues - that's issues 1-69,75 (27 of those issues had Tetris scores listed - the earliest was vol. 14 and the latest was vol. 64). There's a lot of really good scores - of the 207 NES Tetris scores: over 900k: 1 (the maxout in this thread) over 800k: 5 over 700k: 11 over 600k: 21 over 500k: 57 over 400K: 135 For Game Boy, there were 8 scores over 500k, including none other than Steve Wozniak. Team California had 48 of the 264 scores. For scores over 500k, the leader board here would more than double. I've created a google docs spreadsheet so you all can see the scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmsztQuxDqe3dGNRTUpFNGEtSm5adWdPRHVmVnp6blE&usp=sharing Note that I listed all the people with more than 1 score submitted - not very many. Gary Gold's extra score was not a typo on my part - it might be the magazine's typo. One issue had total reprints of the previous issue's scores, but that was an odd case. Glad to see at least one of us (Mike W) on this list. I also saw Frank W as the top name in one issue under GB lines completed - lines only made just one issue I think. It would be cool to find some of the 600+k people at least.
aha, you caught me. I remember taking those pictures with my gameboy laying on the kitchen table. I got the film developed, and they turned out a bit blurry - just clear enough to pass though.
It looks like I had the google doc link set to private - I think it's set now so anyone can view... Funny Wozniak story - I didn't know Nintendo Power existed before issue 1?
before i even mention the rest of this story, i want you all to know it will make me sound like a stalker. that said, i tried to track down the first fifteen or so people from this list on FB and sent anyone with the same name a generic, and unassuming sounding message, something to the effect of "hey did you ever play tetris- blah blah- if so were you any good- blah blah- did you ever submit a pic to NP- blah blah, i ask because...- blah blah." i will let you guys know if i get any responses. but i am also troubled by the fact that of the first fifteen people (as well as all the people on the list from oregon) no single person struck a match on FB that would be a person i would think could potentially match the age of the people listed in NP. most of the people i found were way too old or way too young to potentially be tetrisers- assuming my idea of a tetriser is correct.
LOL. Yeah I was one of those kids who took pictures of their scores and sent them into NP. I had my name posted a few times. There is a pic of one of the NES Tetris scores in this thread. http:// www.racketboy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=41287