Lockjaw: The Tetromino Game

Thread in 'Discussion' started by tepples, 13 Jun 2006.

  1. Sweet, you will play [​IMG]
    Whats wrong with you game pad with the game? Do you mean the keyboard layout? If so i use the same as the defult in lock-jaw.

    - Jono
  2. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    no i mean i couldn't figure out how to get my gamepad to work with the game. i like using my gamepad alot better then using the keyboard get in the blockstats chat and well hook up
  3. cdsboy, i have a ps2 gamepad with a cheap ps2-to-usb converter from radioshack. since the converter itself does not enable custom keyboard mapping, i had to find a nifty little program that would do the trick.

    here is the results of my searching and it has worked well for cultris and whatever else i have needed to do custom mapping in:

    http://www.electracode.com/4/joy2key/JoyToKey English Version.htm

    i just set up a standard keyboard config in cultris, then translated it with the program available at that site. hope it helps....
  4. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    you know, i am a total moron. i used joytokey today... i am also using a ps2 controler, exept i made my converter and it is to parrellel port not usb, and i bought the parts to make it at radioshack lol... well thx for jogging my memory
  5. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    the quinn style blocks for you : )

    <img src="http://www.arrogantintellect.com/images/quinnblocks.bmp"></img>
  6. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    cdsboy: On most other phpBB boards I visit, if one just posted fifteen minutes ago, it's wise to consider using the [​IMG] button. You're just making more work for yourself:

    LOCKJAW version 0.13 is out

    0.13 (2006-08-15):
    • Hard drop lock option "Zangi" renamed to "Slide".
    • Added soft drop lock option.
    • Ignores diagonal presses differently: instead of pretending the keys are up, it pretends that they haven't changed from the last frame. UP, UP+RIGHT, UP no longer makes a double hard drop.
    • Esc pauses the game and music instead of immediately quitting.
    • Added contributions from cdsboy to lj-contrib.
  7. things are really shaping up with lj. the new lj: about page looks great, too. very helpful and thorough.

  8. Ah I see what you ment now. I tried using a PS2 controller on Lock-Jaw. I can't maintain anything over 110 BPM using a controller last time I checked.

    As for blockstats chat: Well my home internet is down at the momment and I lost most of my Tetris data, so when I am back on Cultris I think I will be starting a new account.

    I look forward to vs you on cultris, I go by:



    *Shao Kahn*

    So look out for me (I should be back on in about 3-4 days [​IMG] )
  9. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    you declare pause 2 times. first in ljpc.c on line 435, then in unistd.h on line 437. so my tools will not let me compile.

    EDIT: version .13 is uploaded.
  10. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    i also think lockjaw needs a 20G mode.
  11. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    this is how TGM is scored:

  12. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I'll put in TGM2 death mode once I get some of gimmicks.c refactored.

    Wow. Did you deduce this yourself or find it on the web?

    "Drop" refers to the soft drop, not to the natural gravity, right?

    Dropping a piece that doesn't clear a line is worth 0, right?

    That "Combo = Combo - 1 + (2 x Lines - 1)" simplifies to "Combo = Combo - 2 + (2 x Lines)", right?
  13. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    i found it on the web. i gave up my own studies way before that. and i think drop refers to softdrop not hard because it is on TGM and there is no hard drop in TGM
  14. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    URL please? It's better if Tetriswiki has reliable sources.

    Oh, and there will be a new gimmick in 0.14. Just when you thought Low Rider couldn't get any harder...
  15. not to say tetriswiki doesn't allow original research (as it encourages it), but yeah, surprised ct or jago haven't commented on it. seems like they'd know.
  16. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

  17. You fools.

    source = me

    I wrote that whole history.dat entry.

    Oh and that formula only applies to the first game.
  18. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    lol... well looks like ask CT instead of google when we have a question about TGM... and so do you have a formula for TGM2?
  19. TGM2 is so complicated that I don't think I could explain it in any small amount of space. Plus there's some tables it uses that aren't exactly mapped out yet. But it is generally understood. There's a bunch of stuff that results in giving you more points for placing pieces quickly.

    Given the literal unimportance of score in Master Mode though, I don't really think it's worth explaining. Time attack > score attack if you know what I mean.
  20. Maybe I'm being thick, but can someone give a couple of worked examples for singles and tetris scores in TGM?

    For example, locking a tetris at level 600 with no combo gives ((600 + 4)/4+1)*4

    = ((604/4)+1)*4

    = 152*4 = 608pts

    This seems low - am I misinterpreting the formula?

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