Lockjaw: The Tetromino Game

Thread in 'Discussion' started by tepples, 13 Jun 2006.

  1. Sounds like Eraser/Line Break/Hotline with specific line goals. Interesting.
  2. Yes, but it's more about stack management than that. Because nearly every time, you have to build your stack upto the top, and then build it back down again. The only possible exception to this is if you carefully manage your stack to contain a channel down one side, which you then use to get yur bottom row. This will let you build up to the top again, albeit 5 lines away from where you need to be, but it still lets you remain in control of yout stack. Of course, this requires very careful management, to the point where it will either be not beneficial in the long run, or necessary for success.

    It definitely feels like a mid-game strategy, though. It might even be the best way to finish. In teh TGM ACE Another Road video on YouTube (part 3, about 2 minutes in), te player is required to hit row 19 as the last line of a section. The next section is then 40 lines, where the channel method is abused fairly nicely.

  3. Sounds like a military training drill my brother has told me about.
  4. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    LOCKJAW 0.22 is out

    0.22 (2006-10-23):
    • Fixed color system change after reloading (0.20 regression?, reported by lardarse). Should always unpack options just before loading skin.
    • All numbers in saved states are stored big-endian, making movies compatible between 0.22 for Windows and Intel Mac and 0.22 for PowerPC Mac (requested by cdsboy).
    • Sega rotation systems renamed to Arika for less confusion with the rotation systems in Sega's Tetris games from 1988 and 1998 (requested by Needle).
    • Added Sega 1988 rotation system (like Arika without wall kicks).
    • Preliminary Vorbis playback code is included in the source code distribution but has not been activated in the program. (The keys to compiling OggVorbis on MinGW+MSYS are 1. set the prefix to match the MINGDIR you used to build Allegro, and 2. disable creation of the shared library.)

    No Vorbis, Hotline, or Bleep test in this version yet...
  5. Sounds promising [​IMG]
  6. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    now if only i could get it to run...
  7. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    does anyone by chance have the source code for an old version? like .19 and down? i want to see if theres something in the new code thats making it not run.
  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I dug up LJ 0.18 from my grandma's computer. I've uploaded it to exactly where you'd expect.

    LJ 0.23 will allow turning music decoders on and off at compile time, so that you can make a build with or without OggVorbis and/or with or without DUMB.
  9. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    thanks, well its good new and bad news. I got the exact same error as before. So that means theres no problem with the code its something with my computer.
  10. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    ok another post... I have lockjaw .22 for macOSX uploaded. It works again.
  11. It's not working for me, cdsboy. I just get the application launch animation, and then nothing happens. Nothing shows up in the Dock, either.

    Here's the error message I got:

    dyld: Library not loaded: liballeg-4.2.dylib
     Referenced from: /Applications/LockJaw.app/Contents/MacOS/LockJaw
     Reason: image not found
    Perhaps I'm not putting the Allegro framework in the same place Lockjaw is looking for it?
  12. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

  13. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Ok i made the library static. So now it should work i uploaded it. Plus theres no dragging the allegro library to the frameworks folder. Now i'm gonna get libvorbis working. Because to save time i just took it out of the last version.

    Update: i got vorbis running.
  14. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    So are you just going to be using vorbis to do background music or are you going to use it for game sounds too? If you used it for game sounds we could replace the sounds with custom sounds (TGM2 sounds anyone?).
  15. And are you going to be releasing a new version this weekend?
  16. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    LOCKJAW 0.23 is out

    0.23 (2006-11-04)

    • Fixed S and Z in Sega 1988.
    • DUMB has been wrapped in a library called LJMusic and can be turned off at compile time (edit ljmusic.c and makefile) if you don't want to install DUMB.
    • Added support for Xiph.org's OggVorbis codec to LJMusic (requested by Needle).
    • Option to ignore sideways movement on first frame (like TGM series) (requested by Needle, seconded by caffeine).
    • Properly pauses the game when the player switches away from the window (requested by Lardarse).
    • Fails gracefully (does nothing) instead of crashing when loading replay files of a different format version.
    • Moved as much as possible below setting display mode so that people porting LJ to other platforms can toss up working alert() boxes earlier (requested by cdsboy).
    This version uses Vorbis only for music.

    You have several somewhat independent issues here, which I'll tackle separately:
    • replacing the sound effects,
    • using individual files instead of resources within lj.dat for sound effects, and
    • replacing linear PCM with Vorbis audio.
    You can already replace sound effects by editing lj.dat with Allegro Grabber. There's already a package for Windows. If you want to package Allegro Grabber for Mac, go ahead; I'll link to it. You can even replace them with sound effects digitized off some JAMMA board, although I would caution against distributing a sound pack containing Arika's copyrighted work and getting us both in trouble.

    Did you mean drop lj.dat and just use individual audio files? In that case, file system internal fragmentation would become a significant portion of the install size. On a drive with 4 KB clusters, a 1 KB sound effect would take 4 KB, and a 4.5 KB sound effect would take 8 KB.

    Using Vorbis for sound effects would add to the game's load time while the game decompresses audio, but it may still be worth investigating.
  17. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    to get grabber on os x all you have to do is compile allegro. I have grabber on my computer currently. What i was mainly talking about was making it eaiser for people not familiar with allegro and grabber.
  18. works very well.
  19. glitch found. clear a game of forty line with ten tetrises: end stats show nine tetrises. <a href="http://www.tetrisconcept.com/woohoo.ljm">An example.</a>
  20. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Misbehavior confirmed. Underlying cause confirmed. Fix prepared. Fix checked in.

    cdsboy: Would it be hard for you to package Grabber for those users who do not compile software from source code (that is, the majority of users)?

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