Records: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

Thread in 'Competition' started by Ai, 27 May 2007.

  1. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    I decided to give the 40 lines in lockjaw and try. After several hours of playing i hit 41 secs a few times a row and the best time i got was 00:41:16. I think that is pretty good considering its my first day. Maybe i'll try to beat my record another day. Lockjaw wasn't actually that bad as i initially thought but i have yet to find a skin thats actually playable besides the default one.

  2. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

  3. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Playing without hold? Wow...
  4. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    new record

    Cleared 40 lines

    on 2007-09-23 at 16:00

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=83 ms Instant, shadow=Faint color, next=1 pieces)

    Played for 0:40.71 (active 0:35.8B)

    Played 103 tetrominoes (151.78 per minute,

    172.22 per active minute)

    Pressed 354 keys (3.43 per tetromino)

    Made 40 lines

    (single: 14; double: 3; triple: 0; home run: 5; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 26 garbage (38.31 per minute)

    Left 12 blocks behind

    LJ score: 9200
  5. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    I've never used hold. I find it slows me down.
  6. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Yeah. I forgot that people generally prefer not to hold in 40 line.
  7. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Wow, thats not bad at all.

    Good improvment.

    - Jono
  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    That's probably because we don't keep separate records for 40 lines with entry delay turned on.
  9. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Cleared 180 seconds

    on 2007-09-24 at 15:23

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=83 ms Instant, shadow=Faint color, next=1 pieces)

    Played for 3:00.00 (active 2:43.00)

    Played 387 tetrominoes (129.00 per minute,

    142.45 per active minute)

    Pressed 1318 keys (3.40 per tetromino)

    Made 153 lines

    (single: 10; double: 4; triple: 1; home run: 33; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 165 garbage (55.00 per minute)

    Left 10 blocks behind

    LJ score: 48300
  10. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    I found a little mistake in the lockjaw scoring log. Where it says das=83 ms. I actually played it at 66 ms tho. Then when i put it at 83 the log would put das=100 ms. [​IMG]
  11. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    RANK 3 now!!!! im coming for that number one spot.

    Stopped 40 lines

    on 2007-09-25 at 18:13

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=83 ms Instant, shadow=Faint color, next=1 pieces)

    Played for 0:38.96 (active 0:34.40)

    Played 102 tetrominoes (157.05 per minute,

    177.90 per active minute)

    Pressed 332 keys (3.25 per tetromino)

    Made 29 lines

    (single: 16; double: 3; triple: 1; home run: 1; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 9 garbage (13.85 per minute)

    Left 118 blocks behind

    LJ score: 4700

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Nice one. And if you haven't been doing so, remember to save replays. It's nice to be able to look back on a record or watch others play. Not to mention proof of your record... [​IMG]

    Anyhow, good luck on climbing the ladder. Jono's a mile ahead of the rest of us in terms of speed though.
  13. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Here ya go.
  14. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Thank you,

    I am also going to be working on a new 180 seconds run, soon.

    But I have been chronically ill with glandular fever for the past month, and it has slowed me down a some what.

    - Jono
  15. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    good news: you have a bitch load of time to hone your skills; bad news: you're sick, and it sucks. get well soon. [​IMG]
  16. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds


    I am on the road to recovery, so I should be better soon.

    I think Tetris evoultion might be the way to go this week. Easyer on my brain.

    - Jono
  17. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Cleared 40 lines

    on 2007-09-26 at 17:24

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=83 ms Instant, shadow=Faint color, next=1 pieces)

    Played for 0:38.63 (active 0:33.56)

    Played 101 tetrominoes (156.85 per minute,

    180.53 per active minute)

    Pressed 340 keys (3.36 per tetromino)

    Made 40 lines

    (single: 23; double: 7; triple: 1; home run: 0; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 9 garbage (13.97 per minute)

    Left 4 blocks behind

    LJ score: 5800
  18. mat


    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    i keep getting 41 secs--damn you and your leaderboard climbing ways. and the first one of you to suggest i switch to SRS gets a flogging with an I piece. a RED I piece, damnit.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Switch to SRS. ARS can't win. [​IMG]
  20. Cultris Pyruz

    Cultris Pyruz Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Cleared 40 lines

    on 2007-09-27 at 15:34

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=83 ms Instant, shadow=Faint color, next=1 pieces)

    Played for 0:38.43 (active 0:33.40)

    Played 103 tetrominoes (160.79 per minute,

    185.02 per active minute)

    Pressed 425 keys (4.12 per tetromino)

    Made 40 lines

    (single: 21; double: 4; triple: 1; home run: 2; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 14 garbage (21.85 per minute)

    Left 12 blocks behind

    LJ score: 6800

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