Records: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

Thread in 'Competition' started by Ai, 27 May 2007.

  1. jeffr8

    jeffr8 Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    k, ty for the help n i'll get that done sometime today and hopefully crawl my way to the leader board
  2. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    the default lockjaw skin isn't that bad [​IMG] i used it for a long time until just a few weeks ago.
  3. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    I use ARS (no tetlag from TGM) and I use the standard Exponential curve.

    This leader-board might rekindle my LJ playing. I'd not touched it in a while.

    For the record you show, my KPT was 3.26 and the date was 2007-04-10
  4. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    @jeffr8, have a look at the link in my sig -:)
  5. jeffr8

    jeffr8 Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Im guessing this is just for 40 line high scores on lockjaw, is there a place for marathon scores?
  6. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    For marathon, you'd definitely need a separate table for each combination of scoring method and speed curve.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    We can always just standardize the scoring method and the speedcurve. Nick had something going in this thread. ... aw+classic

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Okay, I incorporated Nick's "Lockjaw Classic Open" leaderboard into this thread. If there's anything I missed or screwed up on, let me know.
  9. jeffr8

    jeffr8 Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    theres gotta be a trick to this game that im guys got like 3x my score...anyone got any hints that i may be missing with this lockjaw thing?
  10. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds


    It's funny because we have the same reaction to your cellphone scores.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    The easiest way for us to know would be for you to post your score, with or without a replay.
  12. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Hard drop?

    There's no other trick to playing fast that I know of. It's just a skill that comes with practice.
  13. jeffr8

    jeffr8 Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Cleared 180 seconds

    on 2007-06-02 at 22:48

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Exponential)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=183 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Monochrome, next=3 pieces)

    Played for 3:00.00 (active 2:50.53)

    Played 218 tetrominoes (72.66 per minute,

    76.70 per active minute)

    Pressed 822 keys (3.77 per tetromino)

    Made 81 lines

    (single: 6; double: 3; triple: 3; home run: 15; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 76 garbage (25.33 per minute)

    Left 54 blocks behind

    LJ score: 23300

    Thats for the 3minute, Im not sure how to post a replay but I will when I find out...Its prolly the lack of practice, but I dont see myself getting anywhere close to 40,000+
  14. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    This is part of your problem. A lot of people on this board can drop tetrominoes much faster than 72 per minute. For instance, T.A. Death in TAP requires the player to process at least 105 tetrominoes per minute; otherwise, the game will stop at the halfway point.

    If you decrease keys per tetromino (see finesse on wiki), you can increase tetrominoes per minute.

    More back-to-back home runs and fewer singles would improve your score. Try concentrating on making more garbage per minute for a few games. You might want to consider learning T-spin setups as well so that you can keep getting the 200 point back-to-back bonus while clearing out garbage; see Twist and T-Spin methods on the wiki, and see a YouTube video demonstrating lots of consecutive home runs in Lockjaw.
  15. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    My attempt at 180 seconds:

    Cleared 180 seconds

    on 2007-06-03 at 14:27

    (rot=Arika, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=Off, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=150 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Fainter color, next=3 pieces)

    Played for 3:00.00 (active 2:44.10)

    Played 357 tetrominoes (119.00 per minute,

    130.53 per active minute)

    Pressed 1168 keys (3.27 per tetromino)

    Made 139 lines

    (single: 19; double: 3; triple: 2; home run: 27; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 135 garbage (45.00 per minute)

    Left 34 blocks behind

    LJ score: 40900

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    I was way out of shape when I made this score. I have to get back into playing 0G.

    Cleared 180 seconds

    on 2007-06-03 at 07:52

    (rot=SRS, lock=Never, rnd=History 6 Rolls, spin=Off, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=133 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Monochrome, next=3 pieces)

    Played for 3:00.00 (active 2:44.13)

    Played 369 tetrominoes (123.00 per minute,

    134.89 per active minute)

    Pressed 1257 keys (3.40 per tetromino)

    Made 141 lines

    (single: 3; double: 0; triple: 2; home run: 33; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 166 garbage (55.33 per minute)

    Left 58 blocks behind

    LJ score: 47300

    Replay(v. 0.36):
  17. jeffr8

    jeffr8 Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    ty for the tips tepple, i'll look into those
  18. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    lockjaw automatically saves your replays. just take the demo.ljm file and upload it to our wiki. you'll need to register in order to upload files.
  19. Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Heh, you guys are fast. :p Ah well, I suppose I'll get there someday...

    I really need to try harder to avoid misdrops in 180 seconds mode...most games I played with just one misdrop somewhere didn't even come close to breaking 30k. Bye bye, back-to-back bonus XD

    Cleared 180 seconds

    on 2007-06-03 at 21:40

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=Off, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=100 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Faint color, next=8 pieces)

    Played for 3:00.00 (active 2:48.45)

    Played 262 tetrominoes (87.33 per minute,

    93.32 per active minute)

    Pressed 894 keys (3.41 per tetromino)

    Made 102 lines

    (single: 11; double: 1; triple: 3; home run: 20; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 105 garbage (35.00 per minute)

    Left 20 blocks behind

    LJ score: 31200

    0.36 replay: ... _31200.ljm

    Cleared 40 lines

    on 2007-06-04 at 01:32

    (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=History 6 Rolls, spin=Off, speed=Zero)

    (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=100 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Faint color, next=3 pieces)

    Played for 1:10.41 (active 1:05.7B)

    Played 104 tetrominoes (88.61 per minute,

    94.85 per active minute)

    Pressed 346 keys (3.32 per tetromino)

    Made 40 lines

    (single: 5; double: 4; triple: 1; home run: 6; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)

    Sent 33 garbage (28.11 per minute)

    Left 12 blocks behind

    LJ score: 10600

    0.36 replay: ... s_1-10.ljm

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds

    Sorry for not mentioning this earlier, but please post the version you are playing on when posting a replay to ensure compatibility.

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