Records: [lj65/tetramino] Center-Slow and Bottom-Slow

Thread in 'Competition' started by tepples, 30 Dec 2008.

  1. Code:
    rednefed       60452 119 FCE Ultra  Keyboard     2009-04-24
    A piece didn't kick how I thought it would near the top of the stack, leading to an untimely demise. But I abused the combo scoring for a higher point total.

    rednefed       89939 220 FCE Ultra  Keyboard     2009-04-24
    Is there a description of the kick tables? I seriously think a T warped over a spike...
    These are on 0.38 btw.
  2. SRS free-space + ARS kicks. [​IMG]
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    It's not "abuse" to figure out that a combo of seven singles averages the same 400 points per line as a home run. So I try to open each game with several >=10 combos. One drawback of combos is that you don't get as many drop points because you have to build higher.

    Tetramino uses the same rotation system as TOD, whose article has a bunch of twist examples. Free space rotations are like SRS; kicks for all pieces are right 1, left 1, up 1. And that's straight up, not diagonally up like TDX and SRS that confuses a lot of players switching from ARS.
  4. Muf


    Speaking of TOD. I've been playing some TOD, and I must say the lock delay system and the wallkicks are totally unintuitive and annoying. Just try doing this with a piece near an overhang: down, tap right, up.
  5. Just figured out how to tweak nesDS's settings. It's kinda not obvious; you have to touch the touch screen.
    Name        Score Lines System/Emu  Controller    Date
    gs68         41338 146 nesDS    DS Lite     2009-04-24   
    More points, less lines.
    Conclusion: 4-liners are the way to go.
  6. [​IMG]
    Name        Score Lines System/Emu  Controller    Date
    Meroigo       58092 153 Jnes     Arcade Stick   2009-04-24
    Thought I'd try this game out. I topped out because when it got faster, the game didn't work quite as I expected it to. [​IMG]

    Edit: I saw there was a newer version of Jnes. Checked change history. Said something about a POV hat fix. Downloaded and played again. I missdroped alot less with this version. [​IMG]
    Name        Score Lines System/Emu  Controller    Date
    Meroigo       64492 195 Jnes     Arcade Stick   2009-04-25
  7. Ai


    You can remap the buttons by selecting the input tab in the configuration menu. To enter the configuration menu you only need to tap on the touchscreen. ^^

    I haven't played in a while. I might give the new version a try when I have some time during the week.


    Wow nice play with arcade stick Meroigo!
  8. Ai: Thanks. When I play Tetris games with my stick, where you instant hard drop with Up, I use to map the Up in the game to be the Down on my stick (and Down in the game to be Up on my stick). Then it's almost like playing 20G if you look at the ghost, but with much more mobility before it actually reach 20G. ;D
  9. Time to break in Bottom rotation.


    Had a run where I got 15k in <20 lines thanks to a 15 combo, but I screwed it up pretty fast.
  10. Thank goodness for bottom rotation. Didn't pass anyone, but cleared more lines/got higher score.

    Kasumi 47302 178 NesterJ Keyboard 2009-04-28 Bottom
  11. Bottom rots:
    508 lines
    173833 points
  12. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I think you found the key to high scores: the game stops speeding up around 240 lines. So if you're a GM at TGM1 (like rednefed), you can go forever in Tetramino. I need to fix that.
  13. May I suggest lowering lock delay past about 300 lines?

    Decided to stop after breaking 200000
    201207 pts, 505 lines.
  14. Ai


    Impressive control in both rotation systems rednefed!

    I played a few ARS games in the latest version and got this:

    Ai          80127 230 FCE Ultra  Keyboard     2009-04-28 Bottom
    This feels a lot easier than playing SRS. Can you keep my SRS score on the leaderboard too? I will try to improve both. ^^
  15. Considering that some of are able to kick more arse with BOTTOM than CENTER, I suggest splitting the leaderboard, Tepples.
  16. Thanks.

    Center rotation:
    Name        Score Lines System/Emu  Controller    Date
    gs68         49869 113 Nestopia   Keyboard     2009-04-28
    Bottom rotation:
    Name        Score Lines System/Emu  Controller    Date
    gs68         72748 220 Nestopia   Keyboard     2009-04-28
  17. [​IMG]

    bottom rotation, emulator was nestopia, controller was a dualshock
  18. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Rules are updated. I decided not to disqualify pre-0.40 scores with more than 200 lines. Instead, I adjusted them based on estimated points per line, and only jujube's score in center lost any positions.
  19. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    bottom rotation, Playstation2 gamepad, FCEU emu:

    i had a great start but kind of messed up towards the end.

  20. Ai


    Ai          88729 279 FCE Ultra  Keyboard     2009-05-11
    Bottom rotation.

    I don't think those estimates are really representative. rednefed would easily get much higher. ^^

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