L2Stack 1.96

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Quad, 5 Feb 2008.

  1. Watching the blocks your opponent receives isn't really an advantage, because it'd take way too much attention. It'd also mean you would be forcing to play slower than your opponent, which would mean ultimately he'd win most of the time.
  2. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    oh right. yeah that would be combos.

    just thowing things around.

    Yeah, it's hardto abuse by looking ahead and peekign at the other player, but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

    The main thing is certain garbage systems reward counterattacking, and to counterattack instead of attack, you need to be slower.Technique and speed together should be what wins games.
  3. intelligent stacking should be what wins games, not gimmicky "counter attacks."

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Peeking at the opponent can be a huge advantage. We can expect something to happen if we're dealing with predictable randomizers. Or perhaps we can adapt strategies depending on the state of the opponent's field.

    And what are counter attacks? Are we talking about situations where we time the garbage so that it's not canceled?
  5. it simply doesn't happen like that in practice. quadra, cultra, tnet2, tetris splash: all of these games give the same sequence of tetrominoes, and no one is able to exploit "seeing ahead." it just consumes too much of your focus too rapidly to do anything with it.
  6. Am I the only one that assumed "planning ahead" meant looking at what garbage is coming next? That's actually somewhat practical to do.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Perhaps not 100% focus and exploitation, but it's something you can do "peripherally" and generalize to your advantage. I highly doubt I can constantly look directly at all 3 piece previews when I play Heboris DOOM.
  8. as for garbage, there's definitely "lucky" and "unlucky" garbage, and any side effects that could result from both players getting the same garbage is absolutely not as bad as losing because you were at a garbage disadvantage.

    digital, to my knowledge no one successfully does that. if i did say, theoretically, that it could benefit the slower player, that player is still at an inherit disadvantage for being slow, and i would doubt the one advantage would make up for that disadvantage, and further, whatever advantage he gets won't be huge.

    take out anything that the opponent could blame on luck or unfairness, and then you've really beat him.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I don't believe you can say that no one uses it successfully objectively. As for speed disadvantages, are you suggesting that speed>all other skills?

    I doubt you can eliminate it. Minimize it sharply, sure.
  10. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    please provide a server with minimal or no line clear delay. any delay there only makes it harder for the better player to win.
  11. As I mentioned I've already had a simple 1v1 netplay semi-working. Well I've decided to upload this and see if it works for you. This does not include any garbage and very very minimal functionality:


    IMPORTANT: The client and server must use the same rotation system and randomizer, otherwize they will go out of synch. This, and a lot of other stuff will be fixed in the future.

    Edit: Oh, and the port which the server will listen to, and the client will connect to is put in the l2conf.ini file.
  12. can't wait to test this! (just as soon as someone else wakes up)
  13. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I could play against you.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I'm having a problem launching the game. An error message pops up saying the application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect.
  15. i have the same problem as digital. win xp pro sp2 x86

    "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
  16. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Much of the time, this is due to a missing DLL file. Can you open the exe in Notepad and search for the text "dll"?
  17. yah, i have it open. what specifically am i looking for?
  18. I get the same error as hector. I've also tried extracting the net version over the old one, and the same thing happens.
  19. i did it and found these dlls:











    side note: it works for me on my vista pc and my xp pc. i just need someone to play!
  20. might this be relevant

    glLoadIdentity OPENGL32.dll

    LoadLibraryA KERNEL32.dll

    neither kernel32.dll nor OPENGL32.dll are in ...\release\

    but then again they might not have to be...i'm noob

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