Insane Japanese Tetris DS scores

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Sully, 20 Aug 2006.

  1. tetrisdude

    tetrisdude Unregistered

    Guys im soo sorry, i didnt mean to sound racist at all.......really sorry... [​IMG]
  2. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    Ah, cool. I guess if you were really hardcore about it and you couldn't pause, you could always record it with a video camera and study that.

    I may try mapping one out when I get some time.
  3. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    you can pause while its loading.
  4. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    I just used on the page, and it worked fairly well. Many records had picture proof. Some of the 99,999,999 endless scores stopped exactly at 99,999,999 to get it to show in the records screen:

  5. tetrisdude

    tetrisdude Unregistered

    wow that truely is amazing.
  6. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    That's incredible. That takes set up and memorization of line clears and particularities between each in order to achieve that. Amazing. Simply amazing.
  7. or, you could hold down and rotate. >_>
  8. tetrisdude

    tetrisdude Unregistered

    yea, i tried that takes a really long time......... what i did was press repeataly A and B down at the same time with a L piece or or a T piece.....u gain about 100 points a minute if you are really good at it. But after a while ur fingers kill and its really not worth all the time. To get a really highscore u could do that for a while and a ton of t-spins.
  9. Bander87

    Bander87 Unregistered

    I can see how 20 million in catch is possible - starting at level 20 where 500k+ detonations are fairly common.
  10. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    20 Mil in catch requires an average detonation of 500k.

    Billmaan has said for months that 20k is doable, but the highest I had seen before this japanese guy was 13 mil.

    I've had detonations worth 800k before, but it's very hard to have consistently large detonations- a single misdrop can ruin your whole game.
  11. Has it been confirmed that the max score glitch wasn't fixed for the Japanese version?
  12. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    You get points for ridin' spinners? Damn right the Worlds system is broken.
  13. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    Yeah. if you hold down while rotating, you'll earn one point every two rotations, from my minimal testing. Now to set up a device to ride spinnaz infinitely and get my scores through the stratosphere- any ideas?
  14. Something like this should do it.
  15. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Okay, I didn't know that. Now I'm tempted to back and do it.

    Regardless, yeah, for a rig to do that, play as normal and set up a form of pressure for your down key, and for your far most spin key, set up an electric motor with a small weight at the end of the arm, and the arm aluminum or the such so it can flex.
  16. 100 points per minute translates into 500,000 points in about half a week of button-pressing.

    Who will be the first to max out the line clear score counter? If you start now, and don't sleep, you can be finished by the end of 2008! Just make sure you stop at exactly 99,999,999, and don't go one point over.
  17. Brutus

    Brutus Unregistered

    You could try to get close then do it.
  18. Unfortunately, even getting halfway to 500,000 is infeasible for most people. Setting up t-spins at 20G is difficult...chaining them together without leaving a messy stack is doubly so.
  19. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    once you get to 20g i would assume you would stop making t-spins and start with tetrises
  20. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    For any reasonable score, you START at 20g.

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