I like the tags. ;D "tetris SRSly lol musical" But yeah, it's a cool idea. =) Would be cool if there was some system that gave you better points of you played to a certain beat or something... ...something that makes you want to stack good, get tetrises, AND playing the music as good as you can.
for the tetris A song it would have to be something like 120 tpm. of course tetris A isn't all quarter notes so you would have to change your speed for different notes but in the end if it was played correctly something like 120 tpm sounds right.
"Thank you for creating this setup, but your princess TST is in another castle." Please make your SRS handle overhangs correctly.
rhythm mode means that the game forces your TPM speed to be at least as high as the current BPM by automatically hard dropping and locking your pieces as needed.
I have a suggestion. Instead of it playing one note per piece, have it play a fixed length of the tune (like an eigth note) each piece.
Oh, ok... So it's somewhat different from what I envisioned... I was thinking of something more forgiving -- it would reward you depending on how close to the beat the pieces lock, a bit like in Beatmania, as DIGITAL mentioned. Basically, you'd have a gauge that goes up if you get a "PERFECT" or an "OK" but goes down if you miss a beat, and if your gauge empties, you lose. I can picture it... "Rythm mode for pussies!" Wait, sorry... I'm being told the PC term is "casual gamer." Yeah, that sounds like a good idea... But that means I have to write a midi player
http://youtube.com/watch?v=PaGsX9jv9fc do you mean something like this? trying to match the drops with the beats? I think that a beatmania sort of thing could be a pretty cool addition to tetris and would add something different for people to do with tetris.
I don't think we have a big enough userbase to make that type of rythm game worth it, though... It would probably involve converting MP3s to OGG and having users create custom-made beat patterns for each song, like stepmania does... Plus it's kind of limiting, since songs usually have a running time around 3-4 minutes... Right now I think the best course of action is to have a fixed tempo for the beats that speeds up slowly as the game progresses, that way it can pretty much take any midi file...
IIDX songs are longer than DDR songs, and the longest ARCADE song I know of is a little over 2 minutes (~2:10). now, we can always go for having a generic sequence of sounds mapped to a little text file that contains note lengths and use that instead. however, I personally think the "different sound for each piece locking down" is a good idea. might have to hack that one into Heboris. actually, it's "American Gamer"