i feel so confused

Thread in 'Discussion' started by m:), 2 May 2009.

  1. I stand by the registration page's rules, and if any of you mods see any "abusive, obscene, [...] sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any laws [in the USA where TC is hosted, the country of the poster, or International Law]", please delete the material quickly.

    Hi susanspy, and welcome to the forum! I have a feeling you may be a bit on the young side, and this website is probably not suited for you. We use adult language from time to time, as this site is not censored for nor geared towards children. If you're looking for kid-safe Tetris content, I recommend http://www.tetris.com and http://www.tetrisfriends.com. There's some good tips on tetrisfriends.com. I'd recommend Wikipedia's Tetris article as well, but Wikipedia is also not censored for children. I'm sorry you had to see the vulgar language!
  2. [​IMG] .tfel ro thgir era sratava eht rehtehw em rof rettam t'nseod ti...eromyna elyts siht yb derehtob yllaer ton m'I yllautcA :sp
    [​IMG] .uoy rof sdnoces +noillim 5,2 snaem ,dnoces 1 sa redisnoc I tahw taht wonk t'ndid I tub...evitaler si emit taht wonk I
  3. I did work on this and changed the css and template, but it didn't work this time. I'll try an alternate tutorial next time I get a chance. I did fix the double title problem, though.
  4. Is there nothing in the forum control panel to change it? I thought it was bizarre for it to be a default for avatars to be on the right hand side, but I didn't realise that it wasn't even something that could be altered in a straightforward way.
  5. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    right about the time we are all use to it ti lliw hctiws niaga
  6. The orientation of the avatar is at the mercy of the theme. To change it, I have to go in and alter the code ("float:left" type stuff).

    Sorry it's taking a while. Despite having badass time management skills, I'm finding it difficult to fit in things I do for fun. See also: becoming a grown up. [​IMG]
  7. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    what? i'm almost as old as dirt. never give up on the fun.

    the only issue i have with this "grown up" stuff is back pain [​IMG]

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