How Old?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Guest, 31 May 2006.

  1. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    Don't forget the version that Peter was playing in Office Space when he told Lumbergh that he was about to go meet with the Bobs.
  2. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    If I remember correctly, that's the shareware version that had the Unsolved Mysteries-esque music and had to change its name to Bricklayer, right?

    EDIT: I found the music.
  3. Nick15

    Nick15 Unregistered

    OH SNAP man I haven't heard that shit in hella long! THANK YOU!!!!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    But yeah, that's the song! I need to find it again in some of my old MacAddict discs.....
  4. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Ah, it all rushes back to me. That was an awesome version, if only for music that came with it.

    Apparently you got more variations of the same if you registered. Never registered, though. [​IMG]
  5. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Imagine if Nintendo had used that music. Download and unzip this file, open tmus.nsf in your NES emulator or NSF player, and seek to track 3.
  6. Guest

    Guest Unregistered


    <a href=""><img src=""></a>
  7. Mountainrunner

    Mountainrunner Unregistered

    Seems I'm breaking the record, I'm 42.

    The first Tetris I've played was Duotris on the Commodore C64.


    In my free time besides montainbiking and running I'm writing code for the old commodore-machines.

    -- Thomas
  8. K


    yop !

    since last sunday.... i'm 30.

  9. Hi,

    You're awesome. Recommend some good SID tunes plzkthx.
  10. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I don't do SID, but I do NSF. I've made some NSFs myself.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I guess I'm quite late to the topic. I'm 16 currently, approaching 17 soon. I began playing tetris around 9 years ago. I've only begun to play tetris extremely seriously within the past year or so due to being introduced to the TGM series.
  12. tetrisdude

    tetrisdude Unregistered

    well im 16 turning 17 soon.....I started when i was around 8 or 9.....Ive been playing addictivly ever since, And when people look at me they think of tetris... [​IMG]

    **people that know me it
  13. Wow, so many young whippersnappers around here! I'm fairly average as far as this group goes, at 23.
  14. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I turn 26 on Sunday.
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    22 YEARS OLD

    hey thank you colour_thief, you are the alive proof we can reach 500 in T.A. DEATH before 25 years old..
  16. chris

    chris Unregistered

    someone turned off guest posting ):

    i'm 22.

    my first tetris was probably on NES at some point. i have been lingering on these forums from time to time as a representitive (in a sense) of Quinn, and that is the primary "falling blocks game" i play these days.
  17. Josh

    Josh Unregistered

    Im 16. I only started playing Tetris since Tetris DS came out. But I just trained myself to the extreme in the little time I've been playing Tetris.

    I'm sure I'd be able to give anyone here a good match. [​IMG]
  18. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hmm...I love you. [​IMG]

  19. Is your sig accurate, or because of old data?

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