How do you say Terror Instinct?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by colour_thief, 23 Oct 2008.

  1. I've said tih-jm once in jest, much like pronouncing DDR as didder.
  2. TOJ: Tee Oh Jay
    ARE: Ah ray
    DAS: I switch. Dee Ay Ess and Dah sis (as one syllable)
    DTET: Dee Tet

    All the new ones that have been brought up that are of note to me.

    And yes, I say TGM like Tee Gee Emm.
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    TGM: [t?i:d?i:?m] spelled out
    (Occasionally, when referring to Japanese-style tetromino games in general, I'll say ['t???l??] "Tet lith" which is the common machine-mistranslation of the katakana spelling of Tetris.)
    TAP: [t?�:p] like English "tap"
    Ti: [t?i:ai] spelled out, like the semiconductor company that made the calculator on which I programmed my first tetromino game
    TNT: [t?i:?nt?i:s?ksti'fo?] "TNT 64" so as not to confuse The New Tetris with "We know drama" or the PS1 game
    TOD: [t??t] like "taught", recalling German Tod = "death"
    Heboris: ['h?b???s] with the accent placed at the beginning to preserve what I guess is analogy between Heborisu and Tetorisu
    DTET: ['di:t???] "dee Tet"

    Baboo: [b�'bu:] to rhyme with that guy from
    Death: [d??] (we all know Suiseiseki would pronounce it another way)
    Shirase, ARE: [?i'?ase], ['a?e] because I've studied a little Japanese (and a lot of Spanish)
    DAS: [das] like the German article. Watch 1:45 through 3:00 of an excerpt from Spielberg's film A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, after "Let's see what you can't pee with". (also subtitles)
    IRS: spelled out, like the USA tax ministry
    IHS: also spelled out
    Last edited: 21 Jan 2010
  4. Muf


    TGM: Tee Gee Em
    TAP: Tap
    Ti: Tee (but short like "me")
    DAS: Das (as in Das Boot)
    TOJ: Tee Oh Jay
    ARE: Ah Reh (with a faux japanese accent)
    TiT: Tit [​IMG]
    TC: Tee See
    Shirase: Shee Ra Say (with a faux japanese accent as well)
    Heboris: Hey, Boris!
    Phydeaux: Fee Dough (and yes I, too, know that's wrong)
    Kitaru: Kee Tah Ru (with another faux japanese accent)
    DeHackEd: Dee Hack Ed

    I could go on.
  5. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  6. I say "tee eye," "tap," but for some reason "hee-boris."
  7. Tee and me sound the same to me.
  8. Muf


    Got a better comparison? I don't think English has any real short burst "ee" vowels in it.
  9. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I am sure you will love it more after..


    Please, come on Hebo 20G DRS..
  10. Havnig heard you say it, I'm pretty sure you're wrong. ??? Is most likely correct.
  11. I know I'm wrong. It only occurred to me a few weeks ago that there is a Japanese way to pronounce it which is most likely the correct one.

    I'm surprised people haven't brought up my name along with others, considering I've known quite a few people to pronounce it more like "roast-ee" instead of "ross-tee".
  12. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    roast-ee? what the hell?

    oh, and i also say shih-rays, and will continue to do so. 2 syllables ftw.

    well i guess by my own logic that's fine, don't care.
  13. The Enigmatic Form

    The Enigmatic Form Unregistered

    I wonder why they abbreviate the titles in this strange manner my opinion, TGM2P and TGM3 would have been more logic and handy. [​IMG]
  14. I use those abbreviations on occasion, but usually only when I'm talking to people that wouldn't know the first thing about TGM. I prefer TGM2+ to TGM2p, though.
  15. For some reason whenever I see your name Rosti I think of the Showtime Rotisserie...
  16. nguman

    nguman Unregistered

    T.I like the rapper albeit crappy rapper.
  17. TOJ : todge (wow one syllable)
    ARE: a-reh?
    DAS: das
    TC: Tea Sea
    ACE: ace
    DTET: Dee Tet
    TiT: tit
  18. TGM: tee-gee-em
    TA: tee-A
    TAP: tap
    Ti: tee-eye
    Shirase: she-rah-say
    ARE: ah-ray
    DAS: dass
  19. Shirase: ???
    ARE: ??
  20. bastard.

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