Help Amnesia to find the good stick (not too expensive)...

Thread in 'Hardware' started by Amnesia, 26 Feb 2009.

  1. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    On a good stick with a gumball top
    it's a swee-e-eet stick to make the pieces lock

    Where Amnesia likes to play
    In the pixel glow of a TGM display....
  2. angrycoder

    angrycoder Unregistered

    Do you have a copy of that art?
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hi !

    hope every body is fine..

    I have 2 news concerning myself, as you know I pretented to stop playing forever 2 weeks ago..Actually I continued a bit to play during 4 days..Then my joystick definitely broke, I have now a problem of connection with the PC, which is almost unfixable, or I could arrange it in insisting, but I think it is useless now, my poor joystick gave everything he could..It is about time to let it..a bad detail : I erased unintentionaly a strong inp at DEATH 749 recently, in forgeting to change the name of the file.. [​IMG]
    The bad new is that now, I am definitely out of the scene for a while, and the good new is that I am now more open than ever to any good proposition for a stick..
    Recently I visited the place of the video games shops in Paris (place de la republique), I found 3 models of the hori arcade fighting stick tournament edition, at the following price :
    300, 400 and 470 euros..Ofcourse it is insane, so I realised that paying 140 euros for a good model would not be that terrible..

    My birthday is soon, the May 5th.. [​IMG] Just to remind that I will be able to buy a good stick around 120-140 euros in the next weeks..
  4. K


    yo Amnesia,
    i should definitly avoid to try to understand the way you "think", so i will not go to akiba anymore but, i have something for you :
    j'ai achet ce stick en arrivant au japon, principalement pour pouvoir jouer en double. Mais j'en ai aucune utilit...
    par contre si tu sais te servir d'un fer a souder va falloir utiliser un peu d'huile de coude et acheter ceci.
    C'est ce que j'utilise sur mon stick pour switcher de la jamma au PC. Cet accessoire USB est detect comme un clavier, donc pas de problme de lag, et t'es pas obliger de te farcir windaube. tu peux meme remaper les touches et jouer a toutes les merdes en flash qui traine sur le net.
    tiens ca me fait penser que sur la photo on voit l'arcade systeme que j'utilise, mais en fait j'en ai 2. Un au japon et l'autre en France. du coup je devrais peut etre le refourguer ou a voir si quelqu'un est interess...

    par contre le stick attention c'est du lourd hein, c'est tout metal, avec un stick Seimitsu( mais tu peux changer biensur). tu peux le balancer contre le mur il va pas broncher.... rien a voir avec ton truc de tapette l.
  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hmm sois pas mchant comme ca, je traverse juste une priode difficile..Ca m'a l'air conomique ta solution, je serais bien tent si je bouge sur Strasb, au moins je me sentirai rassur si je me lance dans des manips la MikeGiver et que tu n'es pas loin...
    Sinon t'inquite c'est dcid, ds que j'en vois un bien, dispo en dessous de 130 euros, je demande l'avis des gens ici, et je commande !!
  6. K


    nan mais attends ! celui la il est GRATOS :
    WAIT this one is FREE, it's a METAL BOX, ok it doesn't look like the other one but i'm sure you can customize it [​IMG]
  7. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    ben non !! pas gratos tu me demandes d'acheter un bordel 50 euros pour le rendre oprationel ! [​IMG]
  8. K


    ok ok i see what you want :


    and now ? [​IMG]

    look it even have the official stamp....
  9. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I really wonder how have you done that under 9min... [​IMG]
  10. Skillz.
  11. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    that super pro stick is cool, i like the industrial look!
  12. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    The buttons looks ugly.. [​IMG]
  13. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    ugly color, but that's easy enough to fix. now that I look closer i don't know if i like their alignment.
  14. You're doing it wrong Jago, you should present it like so:


    Hot stickness !
  15. Ai


    Just take it easy for a while and sort out your problems Amnesia. I'm sure you will come back a stronger player. ^^

    Also take your time to look for a good stick now that you have time. It seems that quality sticks are harder to find for reasonable prices since Street Fighter IV was released. Btw I got a HRAP3 with extra Sanwa buttons from Japan last summer for about 120.
  16. K


    fine, i will pack the jamma board tomorrow morning. Going to Akiba and sell the arcade system and the controller, i should get back some good cash... [​IMG]
    good luck on your side dude to find your stick.

    btw what is your new project ? snail breeding ?

  17. Muf


    Selling your TAP?
  18. [14:46:38] <Meroigo> will you buy TAP again when you come back to Japan? x)
    [14:46:47] <@space_monkey> hmm ?
    [14:46:54] <@space_monkey> i'm not saling TAP man
    [14:46:57] <Meroigo> aha
    [14:46:59] <@space_monkey> just the arcade system
    [14:47:10] <Meroigo> okay :p
    [14:47:10] <@space_monkey> because i have one in france
    [14:47:20] <@space_monkey> i'm not crazy
  19. K


    my mother is so "bottle wine addict" that someone had to take care of her photo resume...[​IMG]

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