I was about to reply to Burbruee's concern about bandwidth, saying I'd "mirrored" the image in case it gets taken down: but Rosti LFC got to that before I could. That said, I've tried this other stick, and I recommend against it:
Is it any good for playing a tetromino game in KDE? Or does it just put your allergies (and possibly you) to sleep? mufunyo: In Russia, train wrecks YOU! But seriously, think about it: If even I am not making my typical valiant effort to swing the discussion back to the topic, you know it's been derailed. m : You have to lose the combo once you don't have any more lines to clear. Then you can start building up another tetris-double-single-double-triple, which is worth plenty of points in TGM series or NES Tetramino.
Since Meroigo is not willing to sell his mod for anything less than all four of my limbs, I decided to make one myself. Boo ya Meroigo! I even modded it to inform you when you get a COOL!!. It also throws "ROFL"s at you when you REGRET!. Talk about radical!
Maybe if I want to change things up, I could move my hands to a different spot. It gets boring playing with the same configuration all the time. And you never know when a key would get busted while you're playing. I wouldn't have to disrupt my session to go and buy a new keyboard. The macros are nice as well. I could set all the actions I would ever need to lower my KPT down to like 1. And if a second player ever wanted to join, I could just scoot over a bit and let them play on that other corner of the keyboard. 2 birds with 1 stone man.
Oh yeah, that's right. muf would totally dig this because he'd be able to set his porn to launch at the press of a key while playing some tetris.
I bet the pictures of the stick(s) in this thread alone can be considered "porn" for some members here.
Some of the macros that DIGITAL might be thinking of: Familiar macros from Lockjaw (Allegro version), such as "far left" and "far right" and "rotate twice" and "sonic drop even in World mode". Preprogrammed zangis and synchros. Items, and selecting a player to target. Buttons to switch between ARS and SRS rotation. Control scheme that does what Typomino tries to do.