Records: [Heboris] 20G-#G4 / Hebo Mini Master-Hard 20G

Thread in 'Competition' started by jujube, 13 Nov 2007.


    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Ah, the time is hurting you Amnesia. If you take a look at your SP:rank, you're not gathering up all the points and skipping all the sections of the speedcurve.
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Yeah I know this time I took the low speedcurve..So I profited to reach a least 999 just to see a first time the M-roll..

    I have been so surprized !!! it took ma 3 secondes to realize how insane is the speed of the m-roll..I was expecting the same speed of the TAP's...

    Anyway, congratz DIGITAL for those m7, m7 and m8 in the same day !

    You are a very impressive player.. [​IMG]
    But I would love you more if you could share the replay.. [​IMG]

    (when I watch your section time records, I can see your average around 2,9 - 3 tm/s...My rate is only about 2,2 - 2,3...

    That is the main problem I think.. [​IMG]

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Yeah, it's really killing me as well. That's the speed of the max level 900 or something around there.

    Here's the m8 replay. Unfortunately, the last few sections weren't very clean though compared to my other runs.
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    You are a monster...

    I can't do anything against you...
  5. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    After watching that replay, I just realized how much I suck.
  6. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Finally! You caught on [​IMG]
  7. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Guys, get a load of this. The game rewards more in terms of grade for faster play! So, if you want a high grade, go for speed!
  8. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    that's been mentioned several times now in this thread [​IMG]
  9. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hmm [​IMG] I am not yet so bad...

    Please DIGITAL...Tell me something nice... [​IMG]

    I am glad to see I perform a new section time record every almost time I play..That means I am not yet at my maximum on the new ARS..
  10. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I haven't been here for that long though, so I have an excuse. [​IMG]
  11. I have been working on mostly sections times for this.

    My best for the first section so far is 1:06
  12. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Bou :

  13. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    [​IMG] SRS was not meant for 20g. [​IMG]
  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    2 weeks ago, I would have never imagined to ask you that DIGITAL, but today I seriously need some of your advices.. [​IMG]

    If only you could watch my replays :

    rank m1 @ 5:51 :

    Doom 447 @ 2:24 :

    I just need some general orientation and global advice..No need to report bad moves during the game..I have nothing to learn from you about ARS placements..But I would like to know where is the main problem..Only the speed? the bad using of the HOLD ? No enough Tetris in the begining ?


    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I believe you are just suffering from tetlag. Judging from watching the general method by which you stack, you're not really taking advantage of DAS techniques. You seem to be tapping and sliding under overhangs way too often. This is a direct result from not stacking the field evenly enough, not using hold to rearrange your placement orders, and perhaps not paying close enough attention to the preview. Minimize your use of the pyramid and learn to use little spikes in your stack to manuever pieces. Remember that you're not bounded by the I's inability to floorkick in TAP.

    There are also some things holding you back. Your refusal to lock as it got too fast limited your placements. I don't recommend pausing and letting the lock delay take over. It will only hinder your progress in the long run. This is not like Death. There will be negative consequences for playing slowly as well. You will not be able to attain enough points to skip speedcurve sections.

    Learn to use IHS to its fullest potential. First, learn when and in what situations to use hold. Then learn to use hold in your play. Then learn to IHS. Finally, learn how to IHS in combination with IRS and DAS. Oh, and here's a vital tip: learn to stack with an I in hold to maximize tetrises and minimize x99 level stops.

    Tetrises are vital as well. You were unable to pull off enough of them early on and that cost you at around 500 or 600 when you didn't skip a section.
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    The tetlag yeah..I improve as you can see, but I am sure I am under my real skill currently..I lose some DAS reflex, because I try to manage the hold in the same time so I don't use so many optimized moves as I could do on TAP....

    Hmm mm that will be hard for me to change his habit..It is more natural for you because you are basically a SRS player..

    Stille a problem of tetlag..The setting of the couple ARE/lock delay is different..So my brain is not on the good rythm..

    I begin to undestand the last subtilities of the IHS, I have still a little problem with the "J" and "L", but I feel it is begining to come..

    About the "I" in reserve, yeah I know but... [​IMG]

    ah! [​IMG]
    a bit slow maybe...
  17. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    oh really?
  18. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Skip sections? what?

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Of the speedcurve...
  20. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Oh, thank goodness it wasn't real sections.

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