Records: [Heboris] 20G-#G4 / Hebo Mini Master-Hard 20G

Thread in 'Competition' started by jujube, 13 Nov 2007.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    so you could say this mode is more difficult than Ti Master because it's 20G the whole way. nothing wrong with that though. it's good to have something more forgiving than DOOM anyway.
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Ha ha ha.. [​IMG] Thank you very much DIGITAL for this precious advice..
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    What a humiliation... [​IMG][​IMG]

    I will work hard..I promise I will work very hard to catch up your speed..

    I already beaten c_t one time, you will not resist as well.. [​IMG]

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Digital -----------m7   997  05:44:38 13/02/08 

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Digital -----------m7   999  05:37:85 13/02/08 
    If only I didn't fail the credits... *sigh*
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    It is a nightmare...

    Jago just told me to well play with manual locking, until 600, then just survive until 999 to get m7...That should be not so hard.. [​IMG]
    Once I will have mastered the HOLD.. [​IMG]

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    The grading is a bit different in Heboris. If you just survive to 999 after playing very well until 600, chances are you'll end up with an m3-m5. I manual locked the whole way and tetrised mostly until 700 with a tetris or two in the 8xx for the m7. Who knows, it might have been higher had I not failed the credits.
  8. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Dang it, Digi beat me to 999.
  9. Hey, I was thinking about making some replays, and I want to youtube them.

    But my computer hates screen recorders.

    I was hoping I could upload my replays, and have someone record them for me.

    Please? [​IMG]
    It would be even more awesome if people could record them, then send me the vid so I could upload them on youtube.
  10. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    just remember that grade is more important than level. if you have to slow down to reach a higher level and your grade drops, you're not really improving.
  11. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I'm not even the M's yet. Digi beat me. I accept defeat..
  12. Muf


    Only if you reach an interesting grade, like EIHoppe's Master.
  13. I'll probably be doing mission mode.

    Devil Road and Grand Road are my goals.
  14. [​IMG]

    Still S1 but i cut off a good bit of time. TI-Ars 20g#4. Quick question which is more important Level or Time? because this one isn't as high of level but i did it faster so i wasn't sure if this is better than my old one.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I believe level is prioritized first since the time isn't the mastering time.

  16. Hate to say I told you so...
  17. you accept defeat? that's lame. keep trying. i remember when jono couldn't break a minute in 40 lines.
  18. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    yeah, grade > level > time, but this isn't to say your time isn't important. i added a levels/second stat.

    Rotation: Ti-ARS
    Name      Class  Level  Time   Lv/S  DD/MM/YY
    Digital -----------m7   999  05:37:85  2.96  13/02/08
    Amnesia -----------S8   886  06:18:88  2.34  12/02/08
    Rosti LFC ---------S8   655  05:25:06  2.02  28/11/07
    EIHoppe -----------S8   595  04:47:68  2.07  05/01/08
    Mr. Antisocial ----S7   777  06:23:08  2.03  09/02/08
    jujube ------------S5   747  06:47:35  1.83  15/11/07
    Ghett0 ------------S3   950  09:30:xx  1.67  08/02/08
    Caithness ---------S3   832  09:08:93  1.52  30/01/08
    Bou ---------------S1   715  07:45:10  1.54  12/02/08
    (RA) Red Star -----S1   555  05:50:76  1,58  10/02/08
    it's very relevant as you can see.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Digital -----------m8   999  05:30:21  ----  14/02/08 
    Once again, the credits screw me over. [​IMG]
  20. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    OH my god...

    No comment...

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