Hard drop: Up or Down ???

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Kevcel, 20 Mar 2009.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    have you done any training to build up the speed or flexibility in your left hand? i've always had an obsession with being ambidextrous.
  2. Ah, that must explain it.
  3. Exactly Jujube. I switch hands depending on what I am doing so I have no hand that is really dominant. Also, the guitar builds up a lot of dexterity and flexibility in my left hand that my right does not get (since I play it right handed). I never had a problem with space bar as hard drop either. I stopped using it though because I wanted to use more keys on my left hand and because I kept breaking my spacebar somehow.
  4. I've had an obsession with that too! What kind of exercises do you do? I never got to where I'd noticed an improvement in my left hand's strength.
  5. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    i used to play a lot of guitar too (right handed) haha. that probably made a big difference. it's funny because my ring finger and pinky on my left hand seem to be permanently longer than those on my right hand. i wonder if this happened to Red Star and anybody else.
  6. space
    when people watch u play they can hear the hardcore SPACE BAR SOUND everytime u drop!
    i dont think space bar is taht slow

    i got 47 with it although thats not too impressive. i'm sure its possible to get under 40 with spacebar o.o
  7. I voted down, of course.
  8. Not until a month ago, I didn't even think about to configurate Hard drop as Down...but since I've done that, I've been roughly 6 seconds faster with 40 lines...and I feel that I'm still growing [​IMG]

    Having the keys in a straight line makes it much easier to tap faster...damn, stupid me...why haven't I thought about that earlier? [​IMG][​IMG]
  9. Somebody should make a "Left Shift: Right or Left ???" poll to go with this one [​IMG]
  10. stealyfill

    stealyfill Unregistered

    i always end up using space for the hard drop. dont know why though

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