Records: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 3 Apr 2008.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    the video looks pretty convincing. it's blurry but you can see the section changes and it doesn't look sped up.
  2. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    Yeah, it's blurry. But you can still see the blocks.
  3. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    You could vastly improve the image quality by turning on some lights in the room.
  4. Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    lol at everyone just getting pwned by ghett0!
  5. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    I know! Now I just need to learn to own the torikan and own kotetsu.
  6. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    he didn't own everybody.
  7. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster


    I won't tell that I am convinced, because I am not a keyboard expert, and I can't follow your fingers and the tetriminos in the same time..

    I decided to don't accuse you any more about the possibility that you cheat..I don't know any more...There is a lot of chance that your are honest sometimes, and joker other times..

    I don't remove the fact that I saw on some of your videos, some moves and placements impossible to do for you..

    I think everybody can upload the scores you submit, if you don't say that it is a TAS..Only your personnal honor is implicated after all..To be more well ranked won't bring you anything..

    For my case I have never lied about my performance since I've arrived, it is thank to that I can predict there is very few liar here, because I should not be so well ranked if there were more liar..There is only 6 people here definitely better than me, so I think almost nobody here lie..
  8. Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    I don't even know how to make a TAS, lol.

    The only thing I have ever lied about was a Stepmania score a loooong time ago when I started.

    I started on Judge 1, so it technically was BS.

    Now I play judge 4 like you are supposed to.
  9. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    at least you didn't try to pass off a BS AAAA with cheat engine clearly exposed in the screenshot. (the guy kept insisting it was legitimate to the point of calling forum admins liars, experimentation by forum admins using the very information exposed in the screenshot proved otherwise)

    [edit: to be very specific, I did the dirty work of getting my hands dirty with Cheat Engine to prove it.]

    anyways, TAS is typically short for Tool-Assisted Speedrun, but it also covers any tool-assisted game attempt. usually, they're speedhacked to slow the game down, but there are other methods including forcing certain events to happen via memory hacks. for purely competitive purposes, it's only useful for training, as it's technically cheating.

    anyways, I'm sure one of these regulars can explain it in more detail than I can.
  10. K


    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    yo Ghetto :

    what is your computer config and OS ? can you run mame without trouble ? or 3D games ? [​IMG]
  11. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    I dunno about config, it's Windows XP, and yeah, I can run MAME at 60 FPS + no frameskipping.
  12. K


    Re: Ghetto's TAS : Heboris & Texmaster

    so but, do you play other games ? 3D games that needs some "heavy computer ressources" ?

    well just tell me what is installed

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