For you Xbox 360 owners - Tetris Splash on XBLA.. now

Thread in 'Discussion' started by PacoDG, 3 Oct 2007.

  1. You can't customize the analogue sticks, but the digital controls you can.
  2. what do you mean by analogue sticks and digital controls? for the keyboard?
  3. He means everything on the X360 pad that can be on or off, with nothing in between, can have a custom configuration on the keyboard.
  4. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    Where's everyone? Come play some ranked matches NOW!
  5. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    I'll be home around 11pm, but I *may* play Beautiful Katamari.
  6. anybody still play! just got my gamertag = blinktetris, add me as a friend or something.
  7. looks like people don't play any ranked matches these days. My gamertag is "QED beeyaaaatch" if anybody wants to add me.
  8. Nope, there is absolutely nobody playing ranked matches anymore....
  9. I just started playing again. I had a pretty big gap waiting on the XFPS to arrive.

    - Jono
  10. how is it?
  11. I'm curious as to how the XFPS will be with a keyboard and mouse for FPS games.... I love FPS's but suck ass with a controller.....
  12. Not to bad. I cant say much as I really have only played about an hour or so of Tetris on it. It does not allow diagonal movements which is not so good for me. You also need a wireless headset if you whish to chat - OUCH!...........pricey.
    I wish I could help you out and let you know how it goes, as I have the snipper edition, which I would imagine would be quite good with FPS games. However I am stuck in the 80's/90's gaming and life style wise and having only first heard the phrase "FPS" when I was discovering the XFPS I really am not going to be all that much help.

    - Jono
  13. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    I hope a lot of people get xbox live points for christmas and get tetris... Then maybe we'll get a little more ranked match action...

    Cause face it, crushing little 12 year olds' hopes and dreams on christmas day is just so much more fun when the matches are ranked [​IMG]
  14. Lol, very true.

    - Jono
  15. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    Just played a little today...

    Top comments:

    1. Get a life/job/girlfriend

    2. Are you asian/Are you a robot?

    3. Quit ganging up on me you assholes! (when the game is down to 1 on 1)
  16. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    here's what they were probably thinking:

    1. [this guy can only be better than me because he has no life and plays tetris all the time]

    2. [as an American, i can't be expected to beat this person/thing]

    3. [i'm only losing because i'm being targeted]

    and here's what i would've said to the people:

    1. get better at tetris or stfu, and btw you can have a girlfriend too!

    2. i'm actually a robot from outer space.

    3. sorry, it's too much fun ganging up on you by myself. deal with it.

  17. Now that my school removed the table football from our common room, I've started filling my free time with TAP. That's a pretty regular comment, alongside "holy crap how did you even get that good?". Generally, they're all compliments.

    Funny how people assume that because I'm good I spend all my time playing Tetris. It probably doesn't average out to much more than an hour per day for me, which can hardly be said to be all of my free time.

  18. I hear ya kiwi. I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten into any ranked matches yet. Maybe in the next week or two.....
  19. Muf


    Wait, DumbledorsArmy, aren't you that guy that posted a "Perfect tetris" video on YouTube that had LOTS of infinity abuse in it? I should warn you: there is no such thing as "perfection" on tetrisconcept [​IMG].
  20. that was triforce i think.

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