For you Xbox 360 owners - Tetris Splash on XBLA.. now

Thread in 'Discussion' started by PacoDG, 3 Oct 2007.

  1. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    I downloaded it this morning and *ghasp* struggled mightily with the d-pad. I'll probably try remapping buttons but I'm just so used to movement/hard drop with the d-pad that I'm afraid to try something different.

    I played a few online matches. Not much competition. The 6 player system is cool.

    I played standard marathon once. I guess I could have looked around and found out, but is it highest score at 150 lines? If so, ST stacking is the way to go, right?

    I'll make some vids and throw them on youtube later tonight.
  2. No, Sully, ST stacking is definitely not the way to go.

    As for TS DAS vs. TZ DAS, I'll check tomorrow.
  3. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    Hmm. Well I played marathon a few times today and it's like nothing I've ever played before. I may be mistaken, but it appeared that level 1 lasts for 5 lines, level 2 lasts for 10 lines, etc. all the way to level 15, which lasts for 75 lines- which is 525 lines total. I started at level 15 and my game ended at 75 lines, so it appears that you should always start at level 1.

    I was looking through the achievements and was sort of confused about the one that requires a combo of 8 or higher, but then I read what combos are in the help area. I've never seen these in a Tetris game either. Basically, a combo occurs with each consecutive piece dropped that clears at least one line. Dropping a piece without clearing a line breaks combo. For big combos, you need to fill the well with mostly complete lines. Is this the way to rack up huge points, then?

  4. I guess you haven't seen the easy mode in TGM3, where more points equals more fireworks. Setting up combos is indeed the way to rack up points.
  5. The marathon mode sounds like TW marathon mode, but in that, lines aren't exactly lines (tetris counts as 8 lines, and then as 12 for back to back)

    And combos like that have been around since at least TGM1. But TZ was the first non-TGM guideline game to feature them, and I think that TOJ was the only other until TS was released. And also what Lee said [​IMG]

    DIGITAL Unregistered

  7. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    How about we all post our gamer tags and play some really really hot tetris?

    Mine is kiwibonga, feel free to add me.

    I'm actually amazed at how skilled the people on there are compared to Tetris Evolution... It's very refreshing to finally lose :p
  8. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    Sorry for the double post... I actually had to do that to get the game.. I'm in Canada but my hotmail had my old american address on it, so when I went to redeem the points card, it told me it wouldn't work... The guy at xbox support actually told me to make a silver account and buy the game with it...

    Simply having the game on the hard drive allows any account to play the game from the console, so I've basically got this canadian xbox live account for buying stuff, and I use my regular gold subscription to play it...
  9. mine's caffeineTC.
  10. I just got the game yesterday and I can already tell it is going to destroy my social life.

    Such a fun game [​IMG]

    User name: Physco M Bison

    See you all there [​IMG]

    - Jono
  11. yeah so jono, kiwi, and i just played. good times. my favorite was when randoms keep walking in on the game not knowing what they were getting into. one guy said, "oh crap, i'm not getting any good pieces. i'm gonna lose."

    good pieces? [​IMG]
  12. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    yeah getting a run of tetrominoes can top you out pretty quick. it just wasn't his day i guess [​IMG]
  13. He definitely needed the green piece.
  14. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  15. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered


    Come dethrone me! :p
  16. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    40 lines? Marathon? Trueskill? Ranked score (however the fuck that works)?
  17. kiwibonga

    kiwibonga Unregistered

    Ranked matches (6 player free for all)
  18. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

  19. The feeling that you get for making comebacks from situations like that is the reason I love TDS 4-player so much.
  20. How do you "aim" your garbage in Splash?

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