Evil Randomizer Tetris post game.

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Zaphod77, 26 Mar 2008.

  1. Poochy

    Poochy Unregistered

    IRS the J clockwise, then lock it down there.

    |  JJ  | 
    |  J  | 
    |LL JT  | 
    |IL TTTZ | 
    |IL SSZZ | 
    |IJ SSTZOO | 
    History: ZLTJ

    Next: S

    (No, I'm not trying to throw the game with bad placements. In an actual T.A. Death round, I'd actually do this and try to get a Z or T under the "overhang". Though in this case, it conveniently makes an S almost impossible to place well. [​IMG])
  2. In that case... IRS then DAS right

    |  JJ  | 
    |  J  | 
    |LL JT  | 
    |IL TTTZS | 
    |IL SSZZSS| 
    History: LTJS

    Next: O

    I think it's the only reasonable place to put it. The O, however, is now a complete spanner... [​IMG]
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    |     |
    |     |
    |     |
    |     |
    |     |
    |     |
    |  JJ  | 
    |  J  | 
    |LL JT  | 
    |ILOOSSZZSS| <--- ! line to remove !
    Next : I

    It is interesting gila to simulate a bit a disrupting of a stack..

    But please don't do it every time ! [​IMG]
  4. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    I-block placement

    next up: Z

    also, fumen takes care of line deletes automatically.

    I'll upload a translated version of it onto my site when I get home from school today. it's actually quite a useful planning tool ^-^
  5. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I could've just IRS'd the I.
  6. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    i'm not complaining about the I. i was complaining about the L.

    But keep in mind that in 20G is can now be difficult to place.
  7. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    well, while we're waiting on someone to move with the Z block, I would like to let the japanese-illiterate participants (and anyone else who cares) know that I UL'd an english translation of FUMEN to my site.

    you can see (and use) it here.

    the codes used are identical to those used by the original JP version.
  8. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Thank you for the english Fumen. Now all the buttons make sense!
  9. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    With that S piece.. that could've been DAS'd over a space and rotated.
  10. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    welcome. also, none of that is machine translation - all of the translations are based solely off of what the button/switch does. granted, I did kinda use systran to get the just of what it originally said.

    also, the two-line statement at the bottom should cover my rear end legally. heck, if the guy looks at the source, all the comments save for one line are intact and unmodified. (I added that one line XD)

    I already suggested that, the Thread Creator shot it down, but the Z move after that was also questionable.

    once again, the next piece (if anyone wants to go ahead and make a move) is a Z-block.

    [edit: I think this little forum game had a sound idea, but ended up getting battered and derailed due to disputes over 20G-possible moves (I'll accept the Rot. Rule dispute on that one L-block move >.<). may I propose we start a different one without the 20G requirement?]
  11. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    there is no init left/right move.

    If IRSed, it would be in 4-5, even if you charged DAS right.

    the nub was in six. it could not cross.

    Feel free to start another game with different rules if you feel this one is too difficult. [​IMG]

    If one of the forum gods corrects me on my asessment of 20g play i will apologise profusely. But i'm pretty darn sure I know the rulez. [​IMG]
  12. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I know there's no init LR, but I believe doing a Right + Rotate synchro on the first frame the Z spawned would work, no?
  13. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    nope. rotation is processed that frame, but movement is not.

    WIthout IRS

    |I SS
    |IJ SST OO
    First process rotation
    |I S
    |I SS 
    |IJ ST OO
    then try to process movement.
    |I S
    |I SS 
    |IJ ST OO
    (movement fails)
    then process gravity.

    the processing order is.

    1) Initial Hold System. (doesn't exist in this game)

    2) Initial Rotation System. (does exist)

    3) gravity (20g, drops immediately to bottom in initial colums)

    and then loops to

    4) rotation (with wallkick)

    5) movement.

    6) gravity.

    for each frame.

    In a "synchro" rotation is still processed before movement.

    They are not truly simultaneous. but they are processed in the same frame, and before gravity for the frame.
  14. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  15. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    History is actually

    JZOI (with J being most recent)

    Z is invalid.
  16. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    also, side note, if you uncheck ???? ("LOCK" on my translated version) on the last frame, you can create another frame showing the same piece where it would be on the next frame (or moment).

    also, after a certain point, you may need/want tinyurl. moreso if you're doing this by IRC, but we aren't.
  17. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    No, it's JZIO (OIZJ if from least to most recent).
  18. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    doesn't help when peole keep changign it around. honestly just check the last 4 placements to verify the history instead of trusting the previous poster for the history.
  19. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    Wel then how about YOU double-check it!

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