Hello all I'm Kalimerre from ESL (Electronic Sports League) Admin of TetrisFriends Section. We've just launching our section Friday 13/01. ESL is a big website who create tournament for a lot of games. You can visit his website to http://www.esl.eu/ TetrisFriends on ESL has been launched using www.tetrisfriends.com website, we're actually launch 2 cups and one ladder. The ladder is a ranking system where you challenge opponent of your choice. Actually we have like 100 matchs per day and i hope we will have more matchs in the future. We are launching our first "fun cup" to test our rules and the format of the cup. This one will take place tomorrow at 20.00 CET. Then we will launch the official Opening Cup with prizes to win. It won't be a night competition but a long competition. You can find all informations about Opening Cup in this news : http://www.esl.eu/eu/tetrisfriends/1on1/news/181986/ Soon, we will launch the Winter Cup which will take place during 1month and there is some prizes to win. If you want to take part, have a look on TetrisFriends section on ESL to have latest news about the game. In ESL we have a competition called Most Matchs Competition (MMC) which is during one month, and offer to the player who have played the most matchs in our ladder, one month of premium on the website. If you want to know more about MMC have a look on : http://www.esl.eu/eu/tetrisfriends/news/181630/ I hope some of you will join us on this section to ESL to grow up as fast as possible to have more competitions and more prizes. ESL Tetrisfriends Home : http://www.esl.eu/eu/tetrisfriends ESL TetrisFriends News : Section Launch : http://www.esl.eu/eu/tetrisfriends/news/181685/ ESL TetrisFriends FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Community-ES...2449739?sk=wall Best Regards, Your ESL TetrisFriends Admin Team