ESA 2018 : Stay awhile and listen!

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Qlex, 26 Jul 2018.

  1. Welcome everybody!

    Here is a recap of this year and why it's always a good time for you to join this forum!

    I'll be brief. This year had some pretty interesting things :

    Regarding new records :

    New doubles WR shared by USA and Japan, New S13 in France (wonder who got it,) Death WR got smashed to bits and pieces and a new western record takeover in TGM1 by Jago (K in the forum)

    Event-wise, we've had RTA in Japan 2 showcase some of the highest level Tetris.
    And the Classic World Tetris Championship showed the Arcade version, with a close finals.

    All relevant videos and extra bonuses are in this playlist :

    But we need newcomers more than anything. And that is why it's time to give the spot to those who play since about 2015: Here are their achievements, right after the link where you have the opportunity to introduce yourself.

    Introduce yourself HERE

    Tomek's Death 405 :

    Last edited: 26 Jul 2018
    Raul1138, Kitaru, d4nin3u and 7 others like this.

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