Eindhoven 2017

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by Muf, 13 Feb 2017.

  1. Changed my mind, probably not coming after all. Flights are a bit expensive and I haven't found someone available to feed my cats during those days.
    It could change but money is a bit tight. So I'll probably not come. Sorry. :(
  2. Muf


    But, but... Stream sidekick, capture cards... :'(
    Qlex likes this.
  3. Its HCT and ExD, neither is active in the forums as far as I know.
  4. @Muf I'm not sure I will be able to finish making my OSSC before the event. A lot of stuff related to my Master's degree and university came up lately so I was really busy and had not a lot of time to spend on it (and won't have for the upcoming few days).
    If someone has a scaler he can bring (OSSC, XRGB-2/3 or XRGB-mini) it would be great !
  5. I can bring an XRGB-mini. I'll bring it along with a USB3HDCAP and a Vision RGB-E1.

    Regarding other things I can bring a Megadrive or a NES. Or any TGM game! Just tell me stuff :)
  6. Hey,

    That was cool.

    I am glad you enjoyed the macaroons and caneles.

    Magical Tetris Challenge was good.

    Magical Drop 5 was strong.

    NEStris was Magical.

    OBS was BS.

    TGM was hard.

    Thank you all!
    Tomek, Kitaru, Muf and 1 other person like this.
  7. K


    This event was great !
    Place, configuration, stuff to play, cheap and great room only 1min walk away, people !
    we could have holded way more people in there and have even more fun :)

    Let's go even better next time !
    steadshot, Tomek, TGGC and 1 other person like this.
  8. Some of the things I especially enjoyed:
    - meeting all the guys again
    - setting up and playing at the cab
    - Doubles Tournament and "The Masters"
    - epic PuyoPuyo Tetris Teambattle France vs Germany
    - Magical Tetris Challenge special pieces
    - the pancake place
    - English Breakfast Tea

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