First ten games or so were very tight; he won, i won, he won, etc, then I don't know what happened. ;D But it was fun.
Thank you everybody, I need to make a comment about something, no need to restart the contest I think, but it seems that deniax planed to bring a modification on the preview displaying, some of TGM players have may suffered from that.. For my case I decided to wait a bit, I am not egoist and for the others who would complain for that, maybe they could replay their matches if their opponents agree. Digital in person also reported the problem, I am still not sure he would have lost 0 - 10 against blink (in amical battle), if he would have got his own potentiel has he got in sudden ti when he reach 1200. Anyway,deniax is talking about next friday for this upgrade, so I fix the end of the round 1 to this date : Sunday 23th At this day, the round 2 begin whatever happen.. Here the list of the missing players, or players who have not totaly confirmed their abandon : Shoryu, Kiruat, burbruee, G - fish and Red Star
I know. That's what I was implying. I was questioning why Amnesia had said that Kiruat was one of the people who had not confirmed dropping out of the tournament.
Oh don't worry, Amnesia's just being Amnesia. He concluded I was quitting when I was only pondering it on IRC.
caffeine VS Amnesia ---------> 15 - 0 I believed until the end that I could win a match.. caffeine would lied if he would say that sometimes, it was not very close.. Even with a slitghly superior speed for the majority of the games, and a not too bad stacking, it seems impossible for me to beat him.. I still don't understand how he recovered sometimes, when he was about to die.. I don't expect to do better against jono, I will try again to avoid the 15 - 0..
Well you still have the other 2 tournaments to redeem yourself Amnesia. Please do post the video of the game if one is available! @ KevinDDR: Let me know when we can finish our game. Even though it's a formality let's get it over with asap. Same thing happened in my games. At first I win a few games or start evenly with my oppenent only to be completely blown away when they up their game. It's as if they need a few games to analyze the opponent or are just underestimating us. Problems is that I go full out from the start while they can speed up if necessary...
Gfish said hes out of the tournament a couple times over irc, could probably update the round 2 bracket with Digi and Jujube.
So what happens when you've only played one of your two opponents due to the other being out of the tournament? I'd like to get a shot at redeeming my loss against matt_hatter by hopefully winning against someone else.
if your group only has 3 players, and 1 dropped out, you'll move to 2nd round. You can redeem your loss there.
Perfect run blink ! 15 - 0 15 - 0 15 - 0 I saw timc saying a comment on MIrc about my battle with caffeine.. Is the video already release somewhere ?? I really need to understand..I still have in my mind the idea that I had beed disavantaged by some lag or something else.. I will keep that in mind until I can check in the video..Some of his recovering seem impossible..When I am at 1/3 and him at 3/4, and stacking faster than him, how is it possible that he recovers..
Hi, Deniax and I played our games the first or second weekend of the tournament, but I didn't report in because he misunderstood the rules and thought it was best of 15 games and not first to 15 wins. In other words we either need to resume where we left off and play our last games or start over, it's up to him. ( I think it was 11-4 to me ) Perhaps the best would be to play from the beginning again since it was three weeks or so since we started. After that I've been busy and when I haven't been busy he has not been in the game or IRC. I'll try to play my games this weekend, if Deniax and DeHackEd are available, OK?
Yes, but I haven't uploaded it to youtube yet as I have to make adjustments. There's the link to the full video if you can't wait to see it. And if you want to upload it onto youtube yourself, go right ahead. And on another note, a lot of thanks goes out to muf, for providing the logo in the video. That color variation and its high resolution fit into my plans perfectly. Oh, and Kasumi also helped out a great deal by playing a few rounds with me so I could record the announcer's victory phrases. I forgot to record the audio during the match and I just had to have those sounds.
Haha, thanks guys. I was actually planning to make it even more glamorous with things like a flashy "Amnevia vs. caffeine" screen, more sfx in-game, and my personal favorite Amnesia blabbing out a putain audio clip in certain places. But...I think I'll save these things for maybe the finals if I get the chance to record.