there's supposed to be a really great new tetris game called tetris multiplayer. i've been dying to play it, and i think i may just buy a new phone soon. (don't worry, i need a new phone anyway. i'm not that addicted (second thought, i am that addicted)).
Under the typical mobile phone service pricing structure in effect in the United States, how does one change phones other than at the boundary between 24-month commitments?
i don't really know tepples, but i do know all my friends get new phones on a monthly basis. i think you can keep your service and number and all, just the physical phone is swapped.
I have Tetris Mania on my phone, its not that great. The framerate and timer slows when theres more than about 10 pieces on screen, but that might be my phone. It only has worlds type modes; cascade, sticky and fusion.
I have a general question about cell phone Tetris: My nephew has the registered version of Tetris on his cell phone, and we were wondering if there was a way to play it on his PC. We've already transfered the Java applet to his hard drive via a USB cable, and (what I thought was the correct method) installed the Java 2 runtime environment v1.4.2. Clicking on the Tetris.jar file results in an error message (going from memory here, something about the manifest data?). Isn't there some way to run this on a PC (Windows 98SE), being that the game is nothing but a Java applet (which I figured would run with the Java 2 runtimes)?
rich you need to find out which of the classes is the main class. one you figure that out all you have to do is execute that class using the command prompt.
The Java SE runtime comes with the classes needed to run Java "programs" and "applets", but it might not come with the classes needed for Java "MIDlets".
@cdsboy, I had already tried that (even after extracting all of the JAR file), but had no luck. @tepples, thanks for the info, that was the conclusion that I was coming to as well. @all, I swear, I had previously Googled that to absolute death over the past few weeks (with no luck), but last night (RIGHT after I posted my previous message), I stumbled upon the following: ... index.html works like a champ - WOOHOO! - P.S. Ya need the converter, as well as the runtime DLL available for download on that page.
jeffr8, a 22 second game would mean you were playing at about 110tpm. considering my best games on the cellphone were consistently about 70tpm (mainly due to the pseudo-are), the fact that i am well-adapted to the cellphone format, and i can easily maintain well over 110tpm in non-are conditions: i can't accept that you were playing the same game as i was. i'm not saying your time isn't real, yet i am saying that your game has to be different in some way. what version are you playing? it tells you right when you boot up the game at the top.
Different phone processor speeds maybe? Those affect record times hugely in Japanese phones, at least.
thanks for the advice, don't think i'll get that version. what i have now is Blue Lava tetris from 2002 which only has 1 game mode (marathon). the game pretty much goes until your eyes bleed and your fingers hurt, kind of like TDS endless marathon. if i could pause it and take a break from time to time i would go after the scores posted here one thing that confused me--my efficiency rating in my best game was 440%. i found this in the help section: "Efficiency Efficiency is how close you came to playing a perfect game. A perfect game (100%) is hard dropping every piece from the top of the screen and scoring only tetrises. It is possible to have an efficiency rating over 100%." that's all it says about efficiency. A perfect game (100%)...It is possible to have an efficiency rating over 100%
I'm also a Tetris Deluxe player, but on my N70 it seems like i'm limited by the spawn time of a new piece. Also the keys on a N70 are so small that i often misplace a piece a place. My current record on 40 lin clear is 54.5s See keyboard here
Good point, so let's break it down. I ran a few tests and Deluxe v1.4.0's ARE is just over 500ms, so we'll call that even. But does that mean they're equal? No way: TAP has way faster DAS and also makes use of IRS. TAP will always save at least one rotation we don't have to press, and countless button presses to get the piece to an edge (or second from the edge). So now that we've established that TAP allows for faster play, let's look at the numbers. In that guy's first section, he drops 81 tetrominoes in about 55 seconds. That's about 88tpm. While faster (as we've established it should be faster) than my Deluxe records, it's not nearly 110tpm. So I say again, something must be different.
I have v1.0.0. I decompiled a few of the classes to look for the ARE and i found it: Code: class teSim$tePhaseGeneration extends teSim$tePhase { public void init(teSim tesim) { tesim.softDrop = false; tesim.canHold = true; System.gc(); tesim.theStats.nextPiece(); tesim.theStats.processLevelUp(tesim); } public void run(teSim tesim) { tesim.theWell.touch(); bluelava.update(); delay(500L); tesim.thePiece = tesim.nextQueue.pop(tesim.theWell); if(!tesim.thePiece.isFree(0, 0, -1)) { tesim.setPhase(tesim.endPhase); return; } else { tesim.setPhase(tesim.fallPhase); return; } } teSim$tePhaseGeneration() { } } It just says delay(500L); The reason you measured a bit over the 500ms is probably the processing speed of your phone. I ran a few tests on my phone and on average is gave me a 600 / 650ms ARE. Maybe i can change it and recompile ...
yeah, i was finding about 530ms, so i thought it just as well. although, that may be more in part to my "timed" reaction, than processing speed.