
Thread in 'Discussion' started by Deniax, 2 Apr 2008.

  1. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    New version installed

    Version 9.0.8-Build20090429-1852
    [Fixed] Snooper desync problem in multiplayer games fixed (yay!)
    [New Feature] Your "viewpoint" selection will now be remembered when snooping a multiplayer game and have clicked on a specific player you want to see playing
  2. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    New version

    Version 9.0.9-Build20090430-1853
    [Feature] You now can choose between different presets in custom multygame (Choose between TDS, 20G Death ARS, 20G Death SRS)
  3. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    there is a known bug in Ubuntu 9.04 that causes repeated Enter keystrokes when you run this command from the terminal. you have to run it in a script, or disable autorepeat in System->Preferences->Keyboard.

    this seems to help in Blockbox. i'm not having rotation repeats anymore.
  4. Is there any way to adjust the default DAS for modes other than multiplayer? I'm finding it a little too sensitive in Block Survivor mode.
  5. All 0G modes share the same DAS settings, so you're either imagining things or it's too sensitive for you in multiplayer as well.
  6. That's the way it should be, but there's a glitch right now. Deniax said he'll fix it next week.
  7. I actually hadn't played multiplayer at all yet when I posted that. I just noticed that the DAS setting in the advanced control settings said it applied to multiplayer only.
  8. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Release Notes:
    Version 9.1.2-Build20090505-1854
    [-] [Fixed] 0G games now all have the same DAS settings again
    [-] [Fixed] Problem with multiplayer games not disappearing when players all leave
    [+] [Fixed] 2 vs 2 background location of preview pieces fixed
  9. Shizi

    Shizi Unregistered

    [​IMG] ty!
    i knew it wasnt just me when i felt my 40line and survivor/drill das was very different
  10. is it just me or is blockbox down?
  11. Blockbox is unavailable at this time.

    Same here, so it probably isn't just you.
  12. Shizi

    Shizi Unregistered

  13. Reveillark

    Reveillark Unregistered

  14. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Oops, sorry , I was not in the office just for the time when it went offline. It's up and running now
  15. puh. and i already thought you were forced to put your game offline due to pressure from ttc.
  16. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    chatting doesn't seem to work right now at blockbox, but it does at blokkendoos.
  17. Is this fixed?
  18. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Chatting will be fixed this monday
  19. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

  20. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    If you want to see what I talked about Deniax, you can see an example with the replay 37021, at level 283 or 284.
    But I repeat, there is 95% of chance that it is simply a mistake from me, and not a bug.
    I just want to add that it never happened on Heboris TI-WORLD from what I remember.

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