Best/Worst Tetris dream/nightmare?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by curiouscube, 11 Jan 2009.

  1. maybe he means it was in a dream [​IMG]
  2. How good are you at IIDX?

    ALSO I wanted to try lucid dreaming but there were too many technique styles and it was confusing
  3. better than I am at DDR! =PP

    uhm...I can pass Xepher on Hyper and V on Hyper and Mei on Hyper.

    Then again I use a simulator so I'm not sure if the grading is arcade-accurate at all (I'm sure it's probably not). But I'm "comfortable" with all 3 of those songs, meaning that they weren't BS clears.

    I only experience tetris effect when I see things that remind me of it, like black and white grids that somewhat resemble tetris stacks.

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