Best PC Tetris Game ever

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Giulioski, 13 Sep 2008.

  1. ... 9978670088

    this is video the developers made to show what it would look like. Of course that post was May 4, 2008. They said it could be out anywhere from a year to two weeks.
  2. Giulioski

    Giulioski Unregistered

    am i missing something or is this spam?
  3. I voted Heboris. It's got good multiplayer, it's option rich, and has a good looking interface. Depending on what version you get, it's also easy to set up and get into a game.
  4. gila

    gila Unregistered

    i voted heboris (use dx9 version with some custom sfx) because of all the modes and very fun multiplayer. i don't care that much for accuracy, at least for now. but anyways, i play tgm and tap much more often than heboris.
  5. Lenna

    Lenna Unregistered

    i'm kinda new here but...

    i put "other" - i was thinking along the lines of tetrinet. I then read the thread and thought about tetris friends, but still think tetrinet was better. why?

    first, it was multiplayer.
    second, it was really small (if i recall, the executable was only one or two megs).
    and finally, it actually played on my 56k connection at that time.
  6. yay for tetrinet, what server did you play on? and welcome to the forums!
  7. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    the only pc I ever had was an 80286, and I played nyet it was one color. and it was a blast.

    in all the searching for mac tetris i have done i never found one that played well. i don't know why i never found tetris zone :/

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