... 9978670088 this is video the developers made to show what it would look like. Of course that post was May 4, 2008. They said it could be out anywhere from a year to two weeks.
I voted Heboris. It's got good multiplayer, it's option rich, and has a good looking interface. Depending on what version you get, it's also easy to set up and get into a game.
i voted heboris (use dx9 version with some custom sfx) because of all the modes and very fun multiplayer. i don't care that much for accuracy, at least for now. but anyways, i play tgm and tap much more often than heboris.
i'm kinda new here but... i put "other" - i was thinking along the lines of tetrinet. I then read the thread and thought about tetris friends, but still think tetrinet was better. why? first, it was multiplayer. second, it was really small (if i recall, the executable was only one or two megs). and finally, it actually played on my 56k connection at that time.
the only pc I ever had was an 80286, and I played nyet it was one color. and it was a blast. in all the searching for mac tetris i have done i never found one that played well. i don't know why i never found tetris zone :/
@ m then - do you know nyet III ? its a very very interesting tetris clone ! thread about nyet III: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=306&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a some youtube videos: ... re=related