@Ghetto. Videos that are actually clear, showing hands. You other video may have showed your hands, but it was by no means clear.
I can do the 100 meters @ 13:8 (my best few years ago..) It is just for the exemple : if I come to some friends and tell : "oh oh OH !! I beaten my record !! 10:7 !!" nobody will believe me.. It is exactely the same thing you did here.. Actually, my doubt began when I saw your S9 on texmaster, at this moment, I thought, you were an average player, not very confident, with a medium or even bad stacking skill, and a good using of the hold.. 1 week later you submit a sudden ti at 4xx (don't remember), with a impossible (or VERY surprizing) improvement .. Another strange detail is your best sudden ti 300, "close" to kotetsu's and DIGITAL's, I thought at this moment : "hmm..strange, ghetto is now able to reach 300 as fast as me.." And the worst have been with your video on Heboris, perfect skill, manual lock at 500, double rotation combined with IHS..Exactely the kind of cheating you can do with a slow motion at 80% or less.. Anyway..I am very septic since this last one on Heboris..
Yes, because it's fairly evident you aren't "really good at Heboris". Remember about two and a half months ago when you couldn't pass the Heboris G4 torikan? And now you're almost clearing it in the same time that it took you to hit the torikan? It's rediculous improvement like that that has everyone crying foul. Even with tetlag, you'd still see a fairly consistent performance across a few different situations--for instance, in my case, despite how my much SRS skills are much better than my ARS skills, I've still got S8 in TGM1 and S7 in TAP alongside my Master in HeboG4. In other words, your extreme level of improvement suggests only two possibilities: cheating, or TASing. While the latter is entertaining (look at TASvideos if you don't believe me), trying to compare a TASed score to a realtime score is essentially the equivalent of cheating. Just my cent and a quarter. ~EI
I voted no. I can not tell you whether or not Ghetto's records are legit but i still believe that it should be innocent until proven guilty. TC relies a great deal on the honor system as far as records go so it seems best to just have people post records and if they choose to lie then that is up to them. I can understand people's frustration with him and i hope that if Ghetto is not banned that he thinks carefully before every post. I relatively new to TC myself and I advise you, as someone who would rather not see you banned, try to be polite in your posts and use others as an example of what is acceptable behavior on TC. I really have no problem with you being here but you have brought a lot of negative attention on yourself. I hope you aren't banned though.
The thing is, Ghett0 has already abused the honour system. He's posted a TAS before, initially saying it was real before admitting it was a cheat. If someone like Jujube or mufunyo or Kitaru showed such a massive improvement over such a tiny space of time, I'd be pretty amazed by it. Maybe some suspicion would creep in, but I'd probably accept their scores as valid because their track record is clean. Ghett0 doesn't have that luxury. I'm not prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who has already done the same thing before. And it's a pretty huge doubt. Not that age is all important, but he's nine years old, and has gone from where I was 12 or 18 months ago to being a better player than I am. In the space of a few weeks. All things considered, I'm just not going to buy that.
Ghett0 doesn't have that luxury anymore.. Just to bring people up to speed a bit on this. This is a lie in its own, here are a couple of lies from the top of my head: He posted a thread where he said he had added support for Ti into mame, and a bit down in the thread he confidently stated the following: Then we have the time where he said he was a TA Death GM.. He later admitted that it was a TAS. And on the subject of mutiplayer TDS strategies.. He busted his own lie here, with the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoI4byI059k It is, in fact, quite slow.. and he would've topped out already against a good player. Then we have a case of him slowing down the game, and only later stating that he did. He doesn't trust the game and instead he's modding the game to adhere to "facts" he have made up or read somewhere (or so he says). And don't forget the time when he changed the grading in Heboris so that he would get a higher grade. First he sent us replays thinking that him getting an M4 in his hacked version would mean that it would show up as M4 for us too.. but it showed up as S4. Then he went through the trouble of making videos of it And we could clearly see that it was an S4 run, but it changed into M4 at the end. Unfortunately he has since removed said video from youtube to hide this - but there are many of us who remember this. Then there's this: There are so many lies there I don't know where to start.. And this: Texmaster records replays automatically, either he went through the replay list to delete both replays manually.. or he's lying. Ghett0 lying? Gee.. I wonder. Again, these are all just from the top of my head.. he has a really long history of lying his way through the forum and on IRC so frankly I don't believe a word he's saying anymore. Ghett0: If you haven't already.. you should go and read The Boy Who Cried Wolf. It's a good fable and I think you can learn a whole lot from it.
I hope the voting are not faked as well by some admin.. The evolution of the YES/NO is suspect.. I hope the good decision will be taken, because Ghetto is not a very bad man who always cheat, and then it would be cruel regarding the other potential cheater who are unknown.. because nobody, except myself, can prove that I can really reach the Master m rank..I also can make run slower my emulator and give the inp to petitprince..Kotetsu can also break the torikan a lot of time on sudden ti in cheating.. WHO CAN PROVE IT ?? There is a lot of detail which are not taken in consideration.. How old is Ghetto ? 9 ? 12 ? The intellectual improvement capacities of the human are a lot more developped at this age..It is a lot longer to improve at 20 or 24 years old..So his suspect improvement is NOT really impossible.. Please, try to organize some accurate battles with him..If me, Bou, Rosti, and other "Key" players fight with him, we will have the true idea about his skill..Don't forget that I can quietly analyse his game when Bou fight with him..
Amnesia, I agree that with the honour system we can't really prove any scores are genuine, but I still don't think that matters horribly. I mean, most of us could cheat, but the majority of the people here have played multiplayer games on Heboris Mini, or Tetris DS, or TetriNET at some point or another, and they're pretty good markers for if someone is blatantly lying. Same for meeting people in real life. I do find it slightly ironic that if ghett0 had maybe not made his original TAS's and admitted to them being fake, then we would perhaps believe him now, but that isn't the point. If you know a score is false then it's wrong to put it on the scoreboard under the guise that other scores may be false as well. I don't care how old he is. Maybe a young mind can learn faster than an older one, but I still don't think a mind can learn THAT much faster. And it'd be easier to arrange battles if he was willing to have them, but strangely he's not too keen.
That's like saying you'll have a drinking contest but only if you don't get drunk. There's always lag. Electrons have to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to deliver gameplay data from players to the server and back. So I'll count that as dodging a challenge. If you're not a good enough player to handle lag, it means you're probably a worse player than I am, and I admit I'm really bad (and my records show that).
The killer for me was that he was already banned before, and that didn't improve anything, from what I gathered.
I hate to see someone like this. Not liked by many and everyone always on his back. I say give him another chance. And a word to ghetto: Look at what you are doing. Try laying low for a while. Take the insults from the other TC members and work on fixing them. P.S.- Why is the prisoner black?
seriously, wtf am i doing in that picture and caffeine looks like an old lady, it is true. hmm, i could think of a name to replace mine with, but maybe i shouldn't, even if this person has had a history of distrusting Ghett0 (and wasn't shy about it). things aren't forgotten so quickly you know...it's just that some of us make these pictures and some don't.