------------------------------------------------- Hi. I try to find people who can play 3D Tetris version BlockOut level: Out of control Have been playing version open source version BlockOut2 level: Out of control http://blockout.net/blockout2/ and is there global ranked number 24 and I have challenge all students on multiple schools in Sweden as a mathematics / physics teacher , and can not find anyone who can challenge me. If you dont want to download the professional version BlockOut2 then there is this online version to try out. https://blockout.nu It also have a global scoreboard and I play level 5x5x10 and Extended there. I will send the "first one" who can beat my top score in BlockOut2 level: Out of control "50 USD" I am ranked around number 24 as "MagI" http://www.blockout.net/blockout2/worldranking/index.php?setupid=458 Lets have a challenge...... Regards from Sweden --------------------------------------------------