2nd Western TGM3: Arcade Infinity in Rowland Heights, CA

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by Kitaru, 1 Jun 2009.

  1. nope. I was the asian with the no rim glasses. Last day i wore a blue hat. I don't think that would help though. But I was really surprised they even had Tetris here at AX. First time ever.
  2. SWR


    I think I saw you a few times. You were playing World rule weren't you?
  3. [​IMG]
  4. Oh snap. And SWR- are you joking or did you really not catch my name? I'm the one who was playing there (with you a few times, nonetheless) :V
  5. SWR


    I'm sorry. You caught me on a day of no sleep and I have trouble hearing. It's not that I forgot, I just couldn't hear. My bad. =(
  6. lol yup, i was always picking world rule.
  7. I'm heading down to Ai soon for a session, and since I see many people here actually play there, does anybody want to meet me for a Ti session? I'll probably be there for several hours as it's a bit of a trip for me and I want to make it worth my while...I'm thinking of going there Monday or Tuesday evening probably (I can't make it there over the weekend unfortunately).

    Who wants to play?
  8. SWR


    I usually go on weekends. How good are you? I'm interested in meeting people better than me or who are good with world.
  9. He's not as good as you, but he's a solid Classic player. He can get to 999 in TAP Master for reference. I'm not sure exactly what his Ti records are but he's a ways away from clearing 999 there.
  10. SWR


    Ah. Well he could school me in TAP then. I've never quite mastered the original ARS style. I need my I-kicks. D:
    Good news, been getting Silver SKs on 600-700 now. Getting better. B)
  11. I'm not very good at Ti since I hardly play it...TAP is my game of choice at the moment. I think I could get close to clearing Ti now though...i mean, isn't it just TAP's speed curve with extra wall kicks to help? It does have cools and regrets, but besides that is there a difference in terms of completion?

    I haven't played Ti in a while, but I remember I used to get to around the same level as TAP....it's just that when you saw me play last CT I couldn't get far in TAP either...
  12. actually, i'm right...if you don't get any cools, it's the exact same speed as TAP all the way through
  13. Yes, granted. However, the circumstances under which you would earn no Cools and still clear are very slim.
  14. I see now that getting just two cools (even if undone by a regret or two in those sections) would result in having to survive at least a section of something comparable to 500+ in T.A. Death. That will be tricky, seeing as how I've never survived past the 400 section in T.A. Death.

    I guess I do have a long ways to go. I dunno though...the extra line wallkicks are DAMN helpful, though I'm not good enough at Ti to utilize hold and several piece previews at all...
  15. SWR


    You get used to it after some time.
    Regardless, the speed timing is pretty hardcore (IMO). For me, it's not the lock delay, but the ARE which seems to screw me up.
  16. It's less tricky when you've got three previews, hold and floorkicks.
  17. SWR


    Going to AI tonight. I don't remember who brought it up, but someone wanted to come by on a weekday. Not sure if it's too late, but thought I'd bring it up.
  18. I went yesterday afternoon in the blazing heat.
  19. SWR


    hahaha no way! I was there! 7 to midnight

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