arhhhg me and the good ole I piece are starting to have a love hate relationship. sometimes i can't rotate the I even though i have a 3x3 area open on the side.
My current problem with Is is that I always manage to do an unintentional auto-synchro and place it in column 2 instead of column 3. It's a pain in the ass whenever it happens.
Been getting better at 20G recently. However, I've noticed that up to a certain point the game speed does not matter, for instance, I can play just about the same level in T.A. Death 100 speed and TGM1 500+. It's mostly the misplacement that screws me up and not lock delay running out on me. That and I don't really know how to fix a stack very well in 20G. I can make some tetrises as long as I can keep the pyramid shape, but if I misdrop it's usually all over (which sucks). As a semi-related side note, I've been playing some DTET lately and I'd like to know if DTET 20G is actually 20G or not. I'm guessing not really, because if I have charged DAS I can move pieces across obstacles I wouldn't normally be able to clear (say, peaks in column 3 or 4). Even with that and far more unrestricted wall kicks, Joker mode still kicks my ass, and let's not even get into Furthest.
Try setting up Lockjaw with the Death speed curve, and then playing with the value of "Initial sideways". Does "On" act like DTET, and does "Off" act like TGM?
I just tried that, and I think DTET is even more lenient. This might be because I usually have RUSH on when I play 20G modes, and this speeds up every game mechanic except lock delay (meaning DAS and gravity as well). The DAS with RUSH on is greater than 1G but it's definitely less than instant. So, if you have initial shift and >1G DAS, you could easily place a piece in the third row from spawn, I think.