Actually, the process of a game becoming harder as you do better is far from counterintuitive to the japanese. in fact MANY types of games do this. Most shooters have a "rank" system that makes the game get harder when you are doing better. however the system can be gamed. When you get to 70 spectacularly quickly, then you have more time to stack high at the level stop, so you can get the net section cool faster. That is what you are supposed to do. Use your good performance in getting the section cool as an opporrtunity to set yourself up for a good performance next level as well, and try to get 1.9 seconds slower, unless that will fail the baseline.
Hmm, do those games offer a higher reward for the difficulty boost? The two second rule feels counterintuitive to me since the player doesn't get anything from it. Exploiting the system to guarantee cools would definitely yield quick results but it just feels gimmicky to me.
Yes, most games with rank give more opportunities for score as the rank goes up. More enemies show up, which means more points. more bullets to cancel with the break laser means more points. more chip damage points on the enemies means more score. SO while the risk goes up, so does the reward. There are a few notable exceptions. Battel Garegga is the most notorious for having a rank system that pretty much FORCES you to avoid powering up too much, and encourages (if not downright REQUIRES) strategic suicides to lower the rank (as opposed to tactical suicides that can do mega damage to the enemy you crashed into). The thing is that stacking high at the break when you have a "too good" performance at the cool mark s not really exploiting the system. The reward for the extra fast section cool is time you would otherwise not have to raise your stack so you can make the next section faster. Delaying intentionally before the cool break IS exploiting the system, and is punished by a lower S grade before the cools.
Yeah, that makes sense when I think about it. It's still gimmicky though since there's a lot to think about. You have to notice when you reach the x70 mark and make sure you don't get stuck at x99 if you're time attacking. And yeah, higher risks should have higher rewards. Section cools already do that by skipping sections. The 2 second rule only makes it harder for the player without giving any benefit.
Consider this formula: Code: score += lines cleared with this piece * lines cleared with this combo so far * average TPM over last 10 pieces Play slow? TPM goes down. (No need for TAP/Ti style grade point draining.) Make lots of singles? Lines cleared with this piece go down. Clear sections? TPM goes up due to lower delays. But no TGM game uses a formula like this. Why not? Because that would make sense; we can't have that now, can we?
Whatever you guys say about the Ti cool rule, it's a hell of a lot more forgiving than the TAP equivalent.
arcade games are designed to make money, right? any rule that causes some inconsistency in the game result leaves the player thinking "i know i'm better than that, i just got screwed" and makes them want to keep playing until they get the result they wanted.
That's true of redemption games or any other game with heavy chance. But DDR is not chance. And neither is Tetris, apart from the randomizer whose effect is minimized by the history rerolls and the hold box.
From the wiki, isn't TAP roughly the same thing? By 20G, finish a section no slower than 2 s relative to the previous section, and score a tetris or two. Seeing as the game speeds up after 20G, the 2 second rule there doesn't seem as harsh, but then again you don't have floorkicks, 3 previews, or hold.
Not quite the same thing. In Ti, the game isn't considering full sections. Only 00 to 70. So this means level stop is no longer an issue, and 2 seconds gives you a lot more room. 2 seconds slow at 70 is approximately equal to 2.86 seconds slow at 99->00.
It is not a really big pb, we just have to keep regular our number of tetrises..For my case, the only one and sure solution for getting every 4 first cool is to abuse of level stop, I stack fast enough to avoid the REGRETs, so it works very well. But It will be damn hard for me to perform a sub 6 with that.. Anyway, I will stay on my position and affirm that this rule is "counter intuitive" as DIGITAL so well said.. EDIT : ooups, I am a bit off maybe, I missed a whole page of the discussion..It is amazing that this problematic is so active.. EDIT 2 : very smart initiative to separate the divergent discussion like this one to a new topic..Nice job.
Full section or not, the difficulty is still determined by the player's performance so the base times of the sections don't really matter. The level stop is negligible with some attention in TAP. In TAP, from level 500-999, your section time has to be better than the average of the first 5 sections. Given a 0-500 time of 4:30, that's 54 seconds average. The only sections you might have trouble in would be 500-700. 700-999, you''ll breeze through with the huge speed boost. In Ti, the better you perform in the previous section, the more trouble you'll have in the next. People tend to not play as fast/mess up in the third section because of the increased gravity. Another easy spot to miss the cool is level 600-700 because 500 may still be slow enough to make a lot of tetrises and also because of the jump to 1200 speed. 700-899, the speedcurve doesn't increase anymore if you've gotten all the previous cools so it can be a challenge to maintain your time. Overall, I'd say the Ti conditions are harder to satisfy the better you become, or rather, the more you strive to time attack. TAP's difficulty more or less lies with the one preview, no hold, and no floorkicks, which can hinder you greatly if you're not used to them.
If you are getting good enough to where you start having problems with the cools you were not having before, then you need to change your plan of attack. As I said, take advantage of fast times to 70 to help set up a solid and tall rectum for the next section. If you aren't good enough to do that, then you must slow down, and risk failing the total time requirement and not making s7. They did NOT want people getting GM in this game. Yes, the cool system is a bit unfair. It was put in there as a roadblock to overcome in your quest for GM. You need consistency speed tetrises to get GM. A LARGE amount of all three. I still think the cool system is an improvement over TAP, though.
Digital... All I can say is that you're crazy. I strongly disagree on the relative difficulty of TAP and Ti in that respect. It's a significant issue in both games, but Ti definitely has more flex.
What digital isn't considering is that you have ample time to stack after *70 before the section ends, especially with the level stop. Regrets are pretty easy to avoid, so as long as you're maintaining your stack as normal there's no reason why you couldn't kick at least as much ass in the next section. If you can't, then you simply don't get the grade. I don't see where any of this is unfair.
I don't see where any "It's stupid because you do worse if you play faster" argument comes from for either TAP M or Ti COOL conditions regarding the 2 second rule. I mean, in every single Tetris game that exists, if you play slower you'll end up doing better, providing you don't start playing more slowly than the game allows. I mean, aside from the torikans that exist to keep you playing quick, in Death you'll survive longer if you don't manual lock. In Master you'll keep a better stack and get more Tetrises and have less misdrops, meaning that you'll get a higher grade. Sure, the grade point decay will start to hurt you if you take too long, but if you slow down a little it won't make a massive amount of difference.
I still don't know what you mean about how Ti has more flex. Not unfair, but gimmicky. After reaching x70, you'd have to hold back from clearing tetrises and stack high with this strategy. Holding back from clearing at x99 is not an option if you're time attacking. But if you do this for every section, then it's no less difficult to reach x70 for every section after if you think about it. Rosti, that's not the real issue here though. In those other games, you slow down to increase technique, which results in higher rewards. You can do that in TAP or Ti Master as well. What's really bothering me is how in Ti, a better performance can result in the same grade as an inferior performance if speed remains constant. The severity of this unusual gap varies depending on the section(s) you improve on.
Like I said before, 2 seconds difference 0-70 is like 2.86 seconds difference 0-100. And with Ti's shorter ARE, DAS, and line clear delay, a greater % of those "2.86 seconds" will be active time. So it's much more forgiving. With TAP, it really doesn't take much going wrong at all to ruin your M chance.
Correct me if I'm wrong on this but don't you often pass the latter half of of TAP Master's sections with more than enough time to spare? I find in Ti, more often than not, it's quite close in certain sections no matter how fast you go.