2 Player Tetris Coop Games?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by LANAsiDOOG, 5 Jul 2008.


    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone out there has tetris game recomendations, specifically with cooperative play... (2 players playing in 1 game field)...

    I have tried tetris unlimited, and while it has a lot of features I like, and good customizability, the reason why I won't play it is because it doesnt have hard drop...

    so, does anyone know of any good 2 player coop tetris games?

    I know of texmaster and TGM, which have coop, but I'm looking for something a little different, maybe with more forgiving game play...

  2. The TGM-ACE implementation had hold, but that game's probably difficult to find and run. And I don't know whether it stops at 20 lines like the Vs. mode.

    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    yeah, it looks fun however i don't have a 360, and i think its only in japan... any other ideas? [​IMG]

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    There's a coop mode in Tengen Tetris for the NES. And if you have a Wii and are willing to wait, Tetris Wiiware is going to have a coop mode.
  5. It's a little weird that only a few games through the history has this mode... It's insanely fun.
  6. d

    d Unregistered

    Teris Kiwamemichi for the Japanese PS2/PS3 has max. 4 player coop.
    I recently bought it. It's a pretty great game.

    I also heard some Super Famicom Tetris game has coop mode.
  7. I don't think there's a Super Famicom Tetris game with coop. But there is a Megadrive tetris with coop, which was also included in the PS2 release of Sega Ages Tetris Collection.
  8. Although it's older than the hills (and doesn't support hard drop), Spectrum Holobyte's ancient "Tetris Classic" had some pretty good co-op (as well as vs) modes that utilized the same (larger) pit/playfield (via modem or keyboard/stick/gamepad) -> http://www.tetrisconcept.com/wiki/index ... is_Classic [​IMG]

    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    Thanks to all your replies so far... but still havn't found something good yet... I wish I could play that PS2 game, but I don't own a PS2...

    I'd really like something with hard drop, but listing anything that your mind can think of would be great too [​IMG]

    DIGITAL: Thanks, I knew about Tengen, and I'm really looking forward to the Tetris Wiiware "Tetris Party"
    Rich: I'm looking for something a bit newer [​IMG]

    so if anyone knows any 2 player coop tetrises that havn't been mentioned so far that would be great... thanks!

    the best two that i've found so far are TGM & tetris unlimited, i just wish the two of them would combine together with a hold feature
  10. Hehe, 'newer' doesn't necessarily mean 'better' <G> [​IMG]

    Quite honestly though, I have yet to see a Tetris game that had all of the co-op and verses mode multiplayer features that TC had (and also supported modem/serial/hotseat games), and included same pit as well as dual pit co-op/verses mode features [​IMG]
  11. LANAsiDOOG

    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    so would I be downloading "Tetris Gold"? because on the wiki it said that tetris classic was later named tetris gold for windows... i tried it and couldnt find the coop play... where can i download tetris classic? thanks

    edit: nevermind found where to download it [​IMG] ...and youre right, newer doesnt mean better... especially in the case of tetris classic... its really fun [​IMG] ...still hoping that someone finds one with hard drop though [​IMG]

    edit2: nevermind about the hard drop... i found the option where i can enable it (disabling soft drop)... so this has so far been the best coop tetris so far...

    is there a way to change the resolution on it? (im asking because my HDTV doesn't like 640x480 for some reason, but it does accept 1024x768, 1366x768 etc... thanks!

    one thing i don't like about it is how i can't see the whole peice in the playing field when its put in (the top cuts it off)... there are a few other things im not crazy about either, i just wish there was something better [​IMG]
  12. Hehe, told ya so <BG> [​IMG]

    Unfortunately, that's the caveats of many older games. In the case of TC, the DOS version runs in 320x200 (or is it 320x240? I can't remember).

    But, the Windows version will run in any screen resolution, whatever your Windows' resolution is set at before starting the game [​IMG] The only drawback of the Windows version of TC is that it doesn't support the afore-mentined modem/serial cable (null-modem) connections (although it does suppport hotseat - multiple players on the same PC).

    The Tetris gurus here in the forum prolly can give the correct name for that (where the piece enters the playfield above the pit). In TC, the bottom two blocks of any given tetromino enters the playfield (e.g. the "O" tet.), while the top two blocks are above the pit (invisible until they enter the pit).

    BTW, in reference to the Windows version, be sure to check this message thread -> viewtopic.php?p=14096 [​IMG]
  13. LANAsiDOOG

    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    i actually got the sound working with the DOS version... still trying to find the windows version

    edit: ok i found "Tetris Gold (1994)(Spectrum Holobyte).zip" but when i go to load the game, i get an error "cannot read from drive D"

    hmm.. can someone point me to tetris gold?
  14. d

    d Unregistered

    Well, how about this?
    A 2coop VS 2coop mode.
    Where you can also select cpu players. I bet this does not exist yet.
    also more far fedged, but how about an option for 1 against 3 players.
    Perhaps this might spark some creativity into developers!
  15. http://www.ebay.com
  16. LANAsiDOOG

    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    there IS actually a 2coop vs 2coop mode (check out tetris unlimited for windows) id play it more if there was a hard drop feature in it though, if anyone figures out if there is let me know please! there's also a 4 player coop mode as well in tetris unlimited... as well as quite a few other modes however the person make the game stopped making it, and left it unfinished, but i believe its open source, not sure...

    [Rule violation]

    someone whos good at programming should add onto it, perhaps make a hard drop feature [​IMG] (net play might be a bit too much to ask at first hehe)

    also, if you look at the features list, it has a "kamikaze mode"... can anyone tell me what that is? wishful thinking would tell me its hard drop, but i have no idea... as i couldnt figure it out

  17. I would think that on a standard Windows configuration, where you can't press more than a few keys on the keyboard at once before things start locking out, then you'd need to start using joysticks to make a decent experience out of three players on the same machine, aside from it being cramped too. Playing with two people on the same machine is bad enough for locked-out inputs if you're both playing to a reasonable level on TAP or something.
  18. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    That's easy enough. Four Logitech gamepads and a USB hub can be found for a total of $100 at Circuit City, Best Buy, or similar electronics retailers. The hard part is to get developers of PC games to take advantage of more than one USB gamepad on one PC, as most developers appear to be locked into the mindset of one PC per player and often one player per household.
  19. LANAsiDOOG

    LANAsiDOOG Unregistered

    yeah you're right, but i have plenty of controllers hooked up to my pc [​IMG] whether it be wiimotes or old xbox controllers with usb adapters... and using a program called "glovepie" you can map keyboard commands to the controllers and play certain games that dont support game controllers/joysticks... [​IMG]
  20. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    One problem with GlovePIE is that its license excludes people who (through no fault of their own) live in Israel or in any country with a military draft (such as Switzerland), and its programming excludes people whose first language is Hebrew. JoyToKey might work for some people.

    But still, if you're programming a game that can't be played effectively without gamepads, why can't you just use DirectInput or something to read the gamepads, like the Allegro library does?

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