Records: [TGM] (20G Code)

Thread in 'Competition' started by herc, 3 Jan 2008.

  1. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm


    Insert rude noise here.
  2. NEW PB : GM @ 12:01:90
  3. Ai


  4. Ai


    New personal best by 777 at the end of last year. He slightly improved his personal best to 08:33:25. No video unfortunately. ^^
  5. K


    GM in 9:26:26 :'(
  6. K


  7. Nice! You're getting some sick scores again :D

  8. Ca commence a devenir serieux la...
  9. K


    mouais... :V
  10. fumier ! :)
  11. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    I need to start playing seriously like I want a new record...I've had some nearly sub-10min runs in normal mode. I CAN do better.
  12. K


  13. mwahahahahaa...; fumiiiier :)
  14. [​IMG]


    Yes, I use player two.
  15. [​IMG]

    Gm, 999 @ 9:42:05

    Could easily be two to five seconds better, but I will take this for now. Score = 195919
  16. Beaten Edo and Amnesia with this evening's 9:20:28
    Get reckt jago !
  17. K


    can someone update the table record ? because quite "outdated" now :D

    please :p
  18. Shooting for sub 11 with stick:
  19. There we go!

    Sub 10:30 is up next
    Qlex and Elision like this.

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