Records: [TAP] Master

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 29 Mar 2007.

  1. S7 - GL - 10:11:35 08/02/2010
  2. You're currently the best S7 player... This can only mean S8 is right around the corner!
  3. Man, I really thought this one was S8! I nailed S7 towards the beginning of the 900 section, and even got a tetris after that, but alas, it wasn't enough....

    Hopefully next time!
  4. try to remember that once you reached S2, you need to clear a lot of lines as fast as possible (even doubles and triples) to get to S4 super quickly.
    This will help you get higher grade at the end
  5. Basically if you get S7 before 900 just avoid singles and S9 will be yours
  6. QFT
  7. Finally got an S9. Passed the credits roll too (barely)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. Ai


    Congrats! Still need to get an OL in TAP Master. ^^'
  9. ei


    Well, I think I'm officially on the verge of M...

    EIHoppe----------------S9 - 999 @ 08:41:65 - 08/24/10 - Orange line; missed tetrises in 400/700

    The only requirements I dropped were the tetrises in the 400 and 700 sections.


    EDIT: Video's up:
    Last edited: 26 Aug 2010
  10. Getting all the tetrises is a pain. For 500 on, try to remember to do them at the beginning of the section so you don't have to worry about it.
  11. kx5



    I think I'm even worse at the M-Roll than Amnesia D:
    I've never practiced it in my life. I got about 3 lines haha.
  12. Holy fucking shit. Amazing!!! Great job Kx5! Let's meet up sometime! You're the dude!
  13. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    !??! :confused:
  14. kx5


    hah, I saw this before i posted that:

    5--Amnesia-----------------M - 999 @ 08:16:98 - 06/05/10 - [B]M-ROLL --> 4 lines (!)[/B]
    I suppose that was quite a while back. How close are you to GM now?

    And thanks Kevin. Sometime man. Sometime. If TI goes to Pink Gorilla, I think that's where I'll spend most of my college days.
  15. K



    welcome aboard kx5 !
    seems you're an hidden marvelous character at TAP and TI !
    Last edited: 27 Aug 2010
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    No that was not a while back.
    And no I still can't do better.
  17. Ai


    Very nice kx5! What are your current Ti records?
  18. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm


    Put that down for my best time ever. Gold SK as well. Would've been M if I had a better last section.
  19. kx5


    Désolé. Je n'avais pas l'intention de vous offenser. Tu est un excellent joueur que je respecte.

    How's my high-school level french? How would i go about replacing the "vous" in the second sentence to make it a little less formal ("te" just didn't sound right to me)? Or does it even make much sense at all?

    As for my records, I try not to post any unless they are some sort of landmark for me. I've recently been trying to rush a sub-30 sec. 40 lines, even though I don't think I'm quite ready for it yet.
    I think I reached 800+ in SuddenTI, I'll have to check my old computer for the save file, if it's still there. My little brother took it as a hand-me-down. As for SpecialTI, I haven't played it enough to even get past S9 :oops:
  20. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Désolé. Je n'avais pas l'intention de t'offenser. Tu est un excellent joueur que je respecte.

    I am always kidding when I take this kind of frustrated behavior.
    You don't have to apologize.
    And I think it is my fault, I think I was a bad man in my old life so I have to live now with a limited brain which has his "m roll" connections disable.

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