another mockup, what if Tetris has some sort of 80s cyberpunk theme vibe around it.. and what if i tell you guys that there are slim chance that...
I've just refined the color a bit more. Make it less saturated and medal icons are adjusted as well [img] [img]
I've refined the Frame further, entire frame now only use 16 colors. Background is borrowed from Metal Slug 3 [img] [img]
Good eyes sir... perhaps Tetris The Neo Master will come out before TGM4 (Kappa)
Another mockup [IMG] [img]
2P version is much harder to do as there are not many screen estate to fit them all in properly. [img] [img]
I've just adjusted more stuff, make it less details, ofcourse following the neogeo limitation This is original size [IMG] This double size to make...
Phantom mode perhaps.? Background is borrowed from LastBlade 2 [img]
This is just for fun, just quick mockup for TGM game on Neogeo idea. I borrowed the background from SNK vs Capcom CHAOS game. [img]
Separate names with a comma.