New final score PB, earliest max PB, and transition score PB, plus my first ever back to back! [MEDIA]
Let's un-retire my old Tetris moniker: you can call me Master Chef, cuz now I'm C00king!!
I did this last week, second WR in about two weeks: [MEDIA] Nice score Simba! 660, very solid! :D Here's a 726k with 394 lines (a solid 29-31...
I got another 990k: [MEDIA] From the "In case you missed it...." Department. One mis-flip away from max: [MEDIA]
Congrats Aaron. I got 24 consecutive Tetres on Level 15. I tried hard to make it 25, but I died. Video is really laggy, gonna have to re-think how I...
Level 09 start max! And my earliest, too, at 27 + 9.31 lines :D Here is a trimmed copy of just the max. Just for the record, in case anyone is...
I agree completely with everything said here. I wouldn't think of a game played with a hard-drop mod as anything official, for the reasons you...
994k because I'm a doofus. [MEDIA]
Level 00 max-out! I used my hard drop ROM mod, which is the only shenanigans involved (hard-dropping for double drop points), but I also was using a...
I wrote a new ROM mod that makes piece distribution more even. The original program can be seen here: [ATTACH] Basically, the game "rolls" a number...
Oh....Ok I got it...Never thought of setting gravity counter behind #00. :) The pre-gravity is actually controlled by $004E, the "down" autorepeat...
I don't entirely understand this. Could you elaborate?
SuPa got 1.2 million! Should this be qualified for the earliest max? It took him Level 25 + 5.34 lines to reach 999,999 points. Haven't I heard of a...
I made a Tetris costume
I thought it was brilliant. Excellent game management. I think the game was pretty brutal Levels 23-26 but you toughed it out. You had a 100 piece...
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