Name: AdamMts (AdamMts02) Score: 710,640 Date: 7th December 2019 Country: Poland Link: link doesn't work, game recording is on my twitch channel
@furious programming Yes, it's a new Polish record and probably it will stay for a long time because I'm not going to try it
Jani made it much before me and there also are probably others
Name: AdamMts02 Score: 615240, level 9 start (by missclicked level 19 start), 193 lines Date: May 8th, 2019 Hardware: Original NES PAL console and...
Thanks, sorry, I've mistaken in maths (counted last tetris as if was a single line worth 36000)
Point of my maxout isn't 28+2.03. It is 29+1.97
Name: AdamMts02 Score: 999,999 - level 18 start, if I counted correctly maxout point is 29+1.97 Date: April 10th, 2019 Hardware: Nestopia emulator,...
Separate names with a comma.