Triggered the full invisible roll on my first clear, but totally bombed out. I'm totally amazed I triggered it in the first place...
Code: 13--Qlex-------------------[ol]m7 - 999 @ 08:07:40[/ol] - 14/04/12 Qualified : Code: 9--Qlex-------------------m3 - ??? @ ??:??:?? - 14/04/12
I've finally reached the provisional S7 grade ! Ti Master Ranking 2012 10 10 par Sephyross, sur Flickr
basically i don't try hard to beat and get all cool every game to get a promotionnal top rank if i do so the game become relatively boring.. 2013 will be the year of records for me because i'll finally get more time to dedicate to TGM3 from end of january
That's an interesting statement. At what point do you have boredom having cools? Is it the pre 20G part? Or staying consistent during the 5 last parts? In any case, what is your method you can use in order to have all the cools? That's good to see =) Will there be any videos?
About "how to" get the cools every section, it's not really revelent until you get completely used to "Master Mode" max speed AND consistent with TETRIS/GOLD SK. It's boring to deal with if you want to get higher promotional grade, when you are used to TAP "let's go for max speed every single game".. and i completely understand EDO about just caring about time attack. yeah i'll buy a EPIPHAN card for VGA acquisition