Hmm... maybe this'll push me to get active in this again. I still suck at Death though. <3 Ti I and T floorkicks...
I've not played any Ti modes since right before the last carnival, have been focusing on TAP modes only since then. (Master and Death) I hope to get to 300 more often. I think I've done it three times total since I started focusing on TAP. I've been on a long break, resumed Tetris two weeks ago.
I want to play death mode give me a link? I feel like giving TGM another shot in the midst of the suckyness of the multiplayer scene right now
Corrosive: if you don't have the game: download and play Sudden mode, or Expert TA on BB using ARS
Blockbox is quite a bit more laggy than Texmaster, though, making it far more difficult. NullpoMino also has a slight input lag, but it's way better than BB. Edit: Also, I hear that Eirstt is the most accurate clone of Death mode available, although it only works on Windows so I've never had the opportunity to check it out. Texmaster's Sudden mode is actually easier than Death because of some input window timing thing, but for an introduction to the mode it's perfectly appropriate.
Texmaster in general is slightly easier because there are no DAS bald spots among other slight timing and compatibility issues. However, the lack of bald spots tends to show itself more in the faster sections of the Death-type modes (i.e. Sudden and Sudden Ti 300+).
Excuse my ignorance but are people talking only about clones cause MAME is not allowed or because you can't talk about MAME here?
We don't talk about MAME because we don't talk about MAME. AFAIK, there is no ban upon it; we just frown upon "omg can i has romz hax0rs pls ? kthxbai" for obvious reasons.
On the subject of emulation... Surely it must be harder to obtain GM rank using an emulator, considering it's inherent input/output lag, but how much harder is it? Has anyone made GM on TAP death through MAME for instance?
You could say emulation is tolerated. You can talk about it, and it's obvious that everybody's doing it, just don't talk about how or where or how to obtain roms, and everybody stays in the clear. Simple right?
You can talk about MAME here. You just can't publicly link people to ROMs and stuff. BUT OF COURSE WE ARE ALL USING LEGITIMATE VERSIONS NO ILLEGAL STUFF HERE
There is almost no lag on VmameTGM. Batman/batfly has achieved death GM in that. I've achieved death 881 with it, and so has Mat. Edo's also had 998.
I am enjoying TA Death. It took effort getting the rotate buttons how I like them but that helped a lot after I got it right. Generally what is the order of the most respected/important TGM game types?? Like What should I spend my time playing besides TA Death?
TAP DEATH, TAP MASTER and TGM are really 3 hard and deep modes. TI MASTER and TI SHIRASE are less intensive with the time. Getting highest rank and level on TAP requier more tranning than TI I don't get your question, if you want a damn hot challenge try to play some M ROLL.
Um... Am I missing something here? There are 3 or 4 Ti Master GM. The number of Death GM and Shirase S13 are perhaps comparable, but Ti GM is obviously in a league of its own. I don't see why you'd say either is inherently beneath any of the other modes.