hey what's up guys, i'm new, and i'm glad i finally found a tetris related forums in the internet. i just wanted to know what is the keys configuration, im using default, but i'm just not feeling it. thanks in advance
w = hard drop s = soft drop a = left d = right i = rotate left o = rotate right p = rotate left (optional) space = hold (optional)
joystick up = hard drop joystick down = soft drop joystick left = left joystick right = right joystick button 1 = rotate left joystick button 2 = rotate right joystick button 3 = rotate left joystick button 4 = hold
A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,; - Drop active piece in corresponding column W,U - Rotate active piece counter-clockwise E,I - Rotate active piece by 180 degrees R,O - Rotate active piece clockwise Spacebar - Hold active piece
For keyboard: W - hard/firm drop S - soft drop A - shift left D - shift right Numpad 4 - rotate CCW (ARS) / rotate CW (SRS) Numpad 5 - rotate CW (ARS) / rotate CCW (SRS) Numpad 6 - rotate CCW (ARS) / rotate CW (SRS) Numpad 0 - hold EDIT: Fixed for muf.
Arrow keys up down left right z,x,c as rotation buttons Except on my laptop which has a flakey X key. There I use the MAME default of LeftCTRL LeftALT Space as rotation buttons. For needs that need Hold, I need my joystick.
Keyboard: up/downarrow = hard/soft drop leftarrow = left rightarrow = right a,s,d = rotate space = hold Few people that rotate lefthanded with keyboard?
That's the setup I use as well. Did make switching from keyboard to joystick a bit more of a faff because my hands switched roles.
VS/guideline: hold = up arrow left = left arrow right = right arrow soft drop = down arrow hard drop = g rotate left = j rotate right = k TGM: joystick directions = wsad / sxzc rotate = jkl / m,. hold = space bar same as the Texmaster control scheme
I usually use arrows for movement and asd for rotation with space for hold, like Free and Rosti. Once in a while I'll switch hands and use esdf for movement and jkl for rotation with ; for hold. That's the way I configure the keyboard for playing console emulators, so I'm still pretty used to it even though it's switched around.
I use arrows for movement (up = hard drop), z for CCW, x for CW, c for hold. I rarely use a second rotation button, especially on keyboard.
if I'm playing a non-tgm game, mine are almost the same, but down is hardrop and up is soft. at 20g in tgm down is lock so this feels right for me. i can't play on keys.