What can I do to improve my pieces per minute?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Azkar, 17 Dec 2008.

  1. Azkar

    Azkar Unregistered

    What are some good exercises to improve my pieces per minute?
  2. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    As I wrote in a recent post to another topic, there are three components to your pieces per minute: thinking time, key pressing efficiency, and key pressing time.

    Thinking time
    Download Lockjaw Tetromino Game, go into Options, and set the speed curve to Rhythm. It forces you to play at least a given speed, which starts at 60 pieces per minute and goes up in steps after every 25 lines or so. There are two variations of Rhythm, called 0G (pieces don't fall, but drop on the beat) and 20G (pieces drop to the bottom, where you can slide them around, and lock into place on the beat).

    Muscle memory
    You have to stop looking at the piece between moving it and dropping it. Instead, memorize the sequence of keypresses that gets it where you want it. Board administrator caffeine recommended hiding the falling piece in order to force you to memorize this, and Lockjaw can do this.

    Key pressing efficiency
    Finesse is the skill of placing a piece with as few key presses as possible. Tetriswiki article DAS introduces you to some of the basic issues, and pages about finesse with each piece. To practice finesse at a relaxed pace, download Lockjaw and play the Baboo! scenario. Try to get the best score once the game stops you after 300 keystrokes.

    Key pressing time
    Rhythm games such as StepMania help you learn to physically press the keys faster, especially when you get into the ridiculously fast songs.

    Some fan-made tetromino games let you see how fast you're playing as you play. Lockjaw is one of them; set Options to show three or fewer next pieces to uncover a speedometer.

    FULL DISCLOSURE: I made Lockjaw.
  3. Azkar

    Azkar Unregistered

    perfect! thanks!
  4. Azkar

    Azkar Unregistered

    nevermind, found it
  5. Become obsessed.
  6. I think caffeine means "practice a little every day." :)
  7. Azkar

    Azkar Unregistered

    lol, I used to play for a couple of hours every day on the DS but I ended up burning myself out. Now that I've hidden the pieces I realize how much time I actually lose because I watch it rotate. This is hard :p
  8. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    And one stupid but important thing, force !!
    force your hands and brain to play the fastest you can to inconsciously push your limit a bit every day.
    Exactely like the musculation..You have to suffer, and feel yourself tired mentaly and physically after a training speed session.
  9. ooo good tips

    the ways i did it (i'm about 53 on LJ now for 40lines) is
    1: learn how to rotate both ways (ZOMG)
    2: learn finesse (although i suxor and havent learnt much of them)
    3: push yourself (most important)
    4: play alot

    although the playing without seeing crap is really important, i'mma try that now.
  10. Azkar

    Azkar Unregistered

    Yeah, I realized that I need to learn to rotate both ways so I'm working on that now :p

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